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Magerun Addons by Creatuity

Magerun Addons developed by Creatuity (loosely based on kalenjordan/magerun-addons)

Some additional comands for the excellent N98-MageRun Magento command-line tool.

We had need of some commands that didn't exist, so we created them.

  • Create simple product
  • Create sequence of products
  • Create sequence of products with randomized attributes
  • List Categories


While this will (somewhat) function with vanilla Magerun (obviously) and Magento, currently much of the functionality (images and such) are not yet implemented in the standard Magento codepath. Upon discovering how terribly slow it was and how much faster (20x+ in our testing) the Magento extension AvS_FastSimpleImport is, development was switched to using that. We intend to flesh out the vanilla implementation but it is a low priority.




Using composer

  1. Add the repository to your composer.json file under the require node.

     "creatuity/magerun-creatuity": "dev-master"

    to your composer.json file.

  2. Update composer from within your n98-magerun root

     php composer.phar update

Using ~/.n98-magerun/modules/

  1. Create ~/.n98-magerun/modules/

  2. Clone this repository to ~/.n98-magerun/modules/

     cd ~/.n98-magerun/modules/
     git clone


Create simple product

This (experimental) command will generate a single simple product, using the supplied SKU and product name, and has a number of options for more fine tuning the resulting product.

    $ magerun product:create:simple [sku] [name]

While not particularly useful by itself, it is the building block for the more useful sequence and random product generators. When specifying images, be sure to have a leading slash, and the path is relative to media/import.

Option Description
--desc Product description (default: same as name)
--shortdesc Product description, short (default: same as description)
--attributeset Attribute Set (i.e., 'Default')
--type Type (i.e., 'simple')
--instock Inventory in stock (0: No, 1: Yes - default)
--visibility Visibility (none, catalog, search, both - default)
--taxclassid Tax class id (i.e., 'Taxable Goods', default 'default')
--categoryid Category Id(s) (i.e. '1,2', default none)
--category Category name(s) (full paths, same defaults as categoryid)
--websiteid Website Id(s) (i.e. '1,2', default is all)
--website Website name(s) (i.e. 'base', same defaults as websiteid)
--status Status (0: disabled, 1: enabled - default)
--image Image filename relative to media/import (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--imagesmall Small Image filename (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--imagethumb Thumbnail Image filename (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')

Create sequence of products

This (experimental) command will generate a sequence of simple products, using the supplied SKU template and product name, and has a number of options for more fine tuning the resulting product.

    $ magerun product:create:sequence [sku] [name] [count]

This inherits functionality from product:create:simple, and expands upon it. Notably, there is an additional required argument count which is the number of products to create, and an option --start which allows you to start counting from an arbitrary number.

For example, to create a sequence of products from 100001 to 200000 (starting at 100001 and 100000 products):

    $ magerun product:create:sequence 'SKU{{current_pad}}' 'Product {{current}}' 100000 --start 100001

To make automatic generation possible and yet flexible, a simple macro expansion system is added (mainly so that SKUs can be automatically generated, but you can use it in various other ways). If you don't supply any macro to the SKU, then {{current_pad}} is automatically appended to it. Currently, only the SKU, name, description, and short description are parsed for macro expansion.

Macro Description
{{current}} Current product number (starting number + number of generated item)
{{offset}} Current offset from start of sequence (number of currently generated item)
{{start}} Starting number of sequence (doesn't change during a run)
{{end}} Ending number of sequence (doesn't change during a run)
{{count}} Total number of items in sequence to be generated (doesn't change during a run)
{{current_pad}} Current product number (starting number + number of generated item), zero padded
{{offset_pad}} Current offset from start of sequence (number of currently generated item), zero padded
{{start_pad}} Starting number of sequence (doesn't change during a run), zero padded
{{end_pad}} Ending number of sequence (doesn't change during a run), zero padded
{{count_pad}} Total number of items in sequence to be generated (doesn't change during a run), zero padded

The amount of zero padding for the {{..._pad}} variety of macros can be adjusted with the --padcount option (defaults to 10 places).

Option Description
--desc Product description (default: same as name)
--shortdesc Product description, short (default: same as description)
--attributeset Attribute Set (i.e., 'Default')
--type Type (i.e., 'simple')
--instock Inventory in stock (0: No, 1: Yes - default)
--visibility Visibility (none, catalog, search, both - default)
--taxclassid Tax class id (i.e., 'Taxable Goods', default 'default')
--categoryid Category Id(s) (i.e. '1,2', default none)
--category Category name(s) (full paths, same defaults as categoryid)
--websiteid Website Id(s) (i.e. '1,2', default is all)
--website Website name(s) (i.e. 'base', same defaults as websiteid)
--status Status (0: disabled, 1: enabled - default)
--image Image filename relative to media/import (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--imagesmall Small Image filename (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--imagethumb Thumbnail Image filename (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--start Starting product number to count from (default 0)
--padcount Amount of padding for {{.._pad}} macros (default 10)

Create sequence of products with randomized attributes

This (experimental) command will generate a sequence of simple products of randomized attributes, using the supplied SKU template and product name, and has a number of options for more fine tuning the resulting product.

    $ magerun product:create:random [sku] [name] [count]

This inherits functionality from product:create:sequence, and expands upon it. Notably, there is are several new options for specifying sources of words for random text (defaults to random Lorem Ipsum from, random images (defaults to none), random categories (defaults to all), websites (defaults to all). These randomly generated items also have a limit for each of these, which can be changed from their defaults using their corresponding options.

For example, to create a sequence of products from 100001 to 200000 (starting at 100001 and 100000 products), with random names (and therefor descriptions and short descriptions, due to how these are defaulted from each other) and images:

    $ magerun product:create:random 'SKU{{current_pad}}' '{{randtext}}' 100000 --start 100001 --randimages "media/import/images.txt"

Generating an image list from images you've placed in media/import is easy, just run from the media/import directory:

    $ find .|grep -E "(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)"| cut -c 2- > images.txt

If you want a slew of hilarious placeholder images, you can git clone any number of these under media/import before running the above command, though it will pick up one or two non placeholder images out of the repos :

To make automatic generation possible and yet flexible, a simple macro expansion system is added (mainly so that SKUs can be automatically generated, but you can use it in various other ways). If you don't supply any macro to the SKU, then {{current_pad}} is automatically appended to it. Currently, only the SKU, name, description, and short description are parsed for macro expansion.

Macro Description
{{current}} Current product number (starting number + number of generated item)
{{offset}} Current offset from start of sequence (number of currently generated item)
{{start}} Starting number of sequence (doesn't change during a run)
{{end}} Ending number of sequence (doesn't change during a run)
{{count}} Total number of items in sequence to be generated (doesn't change during a run)
{{current_pad}} Current product number (starting number + number of generated item), zero padded
{{offset_pad}} Current offset from start of sequence (number of currently generated item), zero padded
{{start_pad}} Starting number of sequence (doesn't change during a run), zero padded
{{end_pad}} Ending number of sequence (doesn't change during a run), zero padded
{{count_pad}} Total number of items in sequence to be generated (doesn't change during a run), zero padded
{{randtext}} Random text of up to --textlimit items
The amount of zero padding for the {{..._pad}} variety of macros can be adjusted with the --padcount option (defaults to 10 places).
Option Description
--desc Product description (default: same as name)
--shortdesc Product description, short (default: same as description)
--attributeset Attribute Set (i.e., 'Default')
--type Type (i.e., 'simple')
--instock Inventory in stock (0: No, 1: Yes - default)
--visibility Visibility (none, catalog, search, both - default)
--taxclassid Tax class id (i.e., 'Taxable Goods', default 'default')
--categoryid Category Id(s) (i.e. '1,2', default all)
--category Category name(s) (full paths, same defaults as categoryid)
--websiteid Website Id(s) (i.e. '1,2', default is all)
--website Website name(s) (i.e. 'base', same defaults as websiteid)
--status Status (0: disabled, 1: enabled - default)
--image Image filename relative to media/import (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--imagesmall Small Image filename (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--imagethumb Thumbnail Image filename (i.e. '/xyz/8.jpg')
--start Starting product number to count from (default 0)
--padcount Amount of padding for {{.._pad}} macros (default 10)
--randtext List of words to choose from randomly for {{randtext}}, or file containing list (defaults to random Lorem
--randimages List of images to choose from randomly, or file containing list
--textlimit Sets limit for number of words used to fill {{randtext}} (default 5)
--imagelimit Sets limit for number of images per product (default 3)
--catlimit Sets limit for number of categories a product can be in (default 3)
--sitelimit Sets limit for number of websites a product can be in (default 3)

List categories

This works just like the Magerun built in sys:website:list, only for categories. During intial development we needed an easy way to get the corresponding category Ids for the various categories, and their various attributes (i.e. URL key and path).

    $ magerun sys:category:list


Magerun Addons developed by Creatuity






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