🔭 I’m currently working on making it possible for all developers to work better with GitHub Codespaces with a focus on large organizations including open source communities
If you have feedback for Codespaces, please share!
- Participate in the Codespaces Discussion
For feedback on dev containers,
- Participate in the Dev Containers Discussion or
- Open an issue in the spec repo (after checking that similar isn't already there)
Or if you want to chat, schedule some time
- 🌱 I’m currently learning more about people, especially software engineers, the security teams they work with, and open source project maintainers
- 💬 Ask me about Developer experience, infrastructure abstractions, GitHub Codespaces, bicycling
- 📫 Connect with me on cncf-slack:craiglpeters or discordapp.com/users/6625/ or twitter.com/peterscraig
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him/his