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Releases: companyzero/bisonrelay


19 Sep 17:43
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See bisonrelay-v0.2.2-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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Bison Relay GUI (bruig)

This release includes a full redo of material theming for GUI. This will make all future changes or additions to themes extremely easy and ensures that no unintended inconsistencies throughout.

We have now also included a QR code creator (and scanner for the mobile version) that should improve the way in which user invitations can be shared. The overall generate/accept invite UI has also been improved and streamlined.


  • New functionality to save and share pdf files from chat windows.

  • New functionality to list all downloads and also have the ability to Cancel selected downloads.

  • New functionality to list all current invites.

  • Posts now show their true creation timestamps, instead of the time in which they were fetched by the client.

Bug fixes

  • Fix syncing progress bar to properly show percentage complete.

  • Show password errors on unlock screen.

  • Fix text attachment rendering.

  • Fix shutdown flow so restart after changing settings works properly on Windows.


This release of brclient includes various minor bug fixes and includes new commands for listing invites and downloads.

Bug fixes

  • Do not open chat window when avatar is updated.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt (ay-p)
  • David Hill (dhill)
  • miki-totefu


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.


06 Jun 16:40
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See bisonrelay-v0.2.1-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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Bison Relay GUI (bruig)

This release includes numerous minor bug fixes and some improved network
configuration capabilities.

The Desktop version of the settings page has received an overhaul to make it
more intuitive and functional.

The underlying dcrlnd software has also been updated.


  • User avatars are now seen everywhere (Feed, etc). And they are now clickable
    to show the submenu from everywhere.

  • Add network configuration screen to start up to allow for various alternative
    specialized networking setups.

  • Refactor models to allow for more flexibility with Chats, Feed, and menus.

Bug fixes

  • Fix link display colors and message margins

  • Make chat colors consistent across mobile and desktop versions.

  • Fix newline when using ctrl-enter.

  • Fix respecting CLI args with AppImage.

  • Update subscribe/unsubscribe in the menus.

  • Fix dropdown colors.

  • Prevent flicker in the LN channels screen and make channel list scrollable.

  • Fix chat scrolling and code block rendering.


Pages are now available for viewing while the client is offline.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt (ay-p)
  • David Hill (dhill)
  • miki-totefu


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.


10 May 17:48
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See bisonrelay-v0.2.0-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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Bison Relay GUI (bruig)

Bison Relay GUI was given an almost full design change for mobile and most of
the rough edges have been smoothed for the android implemenation. Due to
the development teams reluctance to implement Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM),
there was siginificant work done to limit the CPU usage on android. There
should be further improvements in the future as we figure out other ways to
utilize less overall CPU footprint.

Notifications are now available on most platforms besides Windows.

Avatars are now supported for GUI. Users may select an image to be used as
their avatar and that image will be automatically sent to other users that have
KX'd with them and will update in their clients automatically.


  • Chat scroll has been improved and the position is now saved when clicked away.
    There is no longer a scroll that occurs when first going to a particular chat

  • Improve dropdowns overall styling and experience.

  • Add confirmation dialogs for most major decisions to attempt to limit mistaken

  • Refine chat lists into one long list and remove redundant buttons that
    accomplish the same functionality.

  • Add a light theme that can be toggled in Settings.

  • Add new functionality for creating a 'new message' and creating a new group

  • Replace multiple uses of reused StartupScreen to streamline widgets.

  • Disable some buttons if client not connected. Also make it much more clear
    when the client is not currently connected.

  • Improve attachment UX and UI to follow a similar method that most other chat/
    social media applications use.

  • Update GC message styling to also follow how other chat applications look and

  • Allow rendering PDFs in chats. This may be replaced with just an option for
    downloading, but for now they can be shown to the user in place.

  • Add collapsable logs to startup screens to hide information that most users
    aren't required to view.

  • Add timed profiling and zip logs for export to help developers track CPU usage
    and other platform specific information.

Bug Fixes

  • Properly scroll position.

  • Scroll to last read now properly reacting to user interaction.


brclient has been given a lot of improvements for general usage and user
experience for 0.2.0. There has been a revamp of how exchange rates are
consistently polled so that information can be available more often for the
various subsystems that require it.

There was a bump of the underlying dcrlnd to v0.6.0. This involved over
590 commits across more than 645 files. Those changes can be reviewed here. Overall, this will
lead to improved stability and efficiency with all the core LN infrastructure
that BR utilizes.


  • Add spinner/loading animation to fetched pages loading.

  • Add seed confirmation to all new wallet/BR set up.

  • Add warning about invite keys is now shown to users about how to handle
    their invite keys.

  • Make invite fetch async.

  • Show last completed KX time of all counterparties.

  • Add autosubscribe to posts whenever a user is KX'd with a new user.

Bug fixes

  • Fix unable to subscribe to prepaid RV.

  • Fix issue with reset causing autounsub with idle clients.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt (ay-p)
  • David Hill (dhill)
  • miki-totefu


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub


17 Jan 19:36
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See bisonrelay-v0.1.10-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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There has been a lot of added commands and improvments since the last release.

The most important improvements lie with upcoming server policy changes to allow for various updates to existing restrictions (eg. max message size of 1mb).

There was also a bump of the underlying dcrlnd to v0.5.0. This involved over 1000 commits across more than 800 files. Those changes can be reviewed here. Overall, this will lead to improved stability and efficiency with all the core LN infrastructure that BR utilizes.


  • Add Rescanwallet command

  • Add List On-Chain Transactions command

  • Add receive receipts for posts and comments.

  • Send and show post receive receipts.

  • Replace bittrex with mexc for rates.

  • Move various invite commands under /invite.

  • Add ModifyGCOwner and add commands to client and GUI.

Bug fixes

  • Add missing data to the FetchResource request

Bison Relay GUI (bruig)

This marks the initial release of the mobile BR implementation. The UX/UI is
still a work in progress for a few areas, but generally should be easy to use.

We've focues on having the BR mobile application be as easy to understand as
possible, since this will be aimed to less techinical users.

Currently, we're just supporting Android apks, which can be installed when
users allow for 3rd party installations in the developer settings.


  • Refine UX/UI for mobile usage.

  • Refine font size across all widgets and screens. There is now 3 sizes
    that can be used throughout and those sizes are centralized in one location
    to have a consistent look and feel throughout.

  • Add Reset All KX button. Even though this is done automatically on a periodic
    basis, there is now a button that forces BR to KX with everyone. This should
    un-wedge clients in strange situations.

  • Add Subscribe button to feed comments. This should allow users follow others
    more easily.

  • Add Transitive Reset button.

  • Add Unrestrict Battery for mobile. Due to not using Firebase Cloud Messaging
    (FCM), we noticed having unrestricted battery for BR allows for better message

Bug Fixes

  • Fix jumping to beginning of day message in GCs

  • Add newly create GCs to current chat list.

  • Filter historical logs based on rules.

  • Allow posts and feed to be selectable.

  • Fix Generate Invite on mobile.

  • Remove GC avatar long press on mobile.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt (ay-p)
  • David Hill (dhill)
  • miki-totefu
  • vctt94


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.


28 Sep 13:00
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See bisonrelay-v0.1.9-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

This is a minor update to brclient and GUI that mostly fixes some bugs that
were reported in v0.1.8. Simplestore issues that were reported have been fixed.
We've also included a major push to implement the mobile design from @saender.

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  • Automatic unsubscrive and GC kick for idle users.


  • Install simplestore templates if store directory is empty.

  • Update bubbletea chat dependencies to hopefully fix various issues with

  • Autohandshake with idle users.

  • Expose FirstCreated ad LastHandshakeAttempt for use in various spots.

Bug fixes

  • Various simplestore and local pages fixes.

Bison Relay GUI (bruig-v0.1.9)


  • Show already openned DM members in Address Book as well. Now all users,
    whether currently chatting with them or not will be seen in the Address

  • More mobile design improvements based on design delivered by @saender.

  • Display UserPosts the same as the posts list, instead of just text in the DM
    chat windows.

  • Add reset all old KX button to Settings

Bug Fixes

  • Fix link openning in chat messages and posts.

  • Fix channel creation lock out when starting with no channels.

  • Fix unread comments in posts indicator.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt (ay-p)
  • Dave Collins (davecgh)
  • David Hill (dhill)
  • miki-totefu


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub


21 Aug 20:26
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See bisonrelay-v1.8.0-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

This is another large release for Bison Relay that covers numerous improvements, bug fixes and new features.

*** NOTE to Windows Bison Relay GUI users: We have changed the install path for this and upcoming release. As such, you will be prompted to move your current data folders to a new location. Please do not uninstall any previous installation before moving these folders. Uninstalling before you have moved your files on 0.1.8 could cause loss of account and will require restoration from seed.

With the release of Bison Relay v0.1.8, support for digital-only ecommerce sites has been added, along with pages, client-side filtering, and client backups. Since Bison Relay is a standalone alternative platform to the web that tightly integrates money via the Lightning Network, it is natural to use it as a basis for ecommerce sites. The initial ecommerce infrastructure is called simplestore and supports selling digital-only goods, e.g. images, videos, audio, and files, where payments can be received both via on-chain payment in Decred or via the Decred Lightning Network. Documentation on how to setup a simplestore site can be found here.

As part of this initial ecommerce release, the concept of pages was added, which is similar to web pages. In order to operate a basic ecommerce site, it is necessary to have the site information organized into pages that reference and link to each other. These sites, whether ecommerce or other collections of pages, are hosted from an individual Bison Relay client, so the client also acts as a server for sites and pages.

To date, social media services have implemented several forms of server-side filtering, where server administrators determine what should and should not be filtered and how to execute the filtering. Bison Relay is all about making users sovereign over their data and communications, and not only is server-side filtering a violation of users’ sovereignty, it is not feasible to implement when all messages are encrypted and there are no user accounts on the server. To address this issue, we have added client-side filtering to allow users to filter messages that they would prefer to not see, instead of having server administrators centrally plan the filtering.

Backups are a major weak point of most cryptocurrency tools, particularly when working with the Lightning Network. Bison Relay now has a basic backup tool that creates a backup of your contacts and your Lightning Network channels. In the event a client has unrecoverable errors of any kind, it can be restored using the initial client wallet seed and this basic backup information. Any contacts added after the most recent backup will need to be manually re-added after restoring from the seed and the backup.
Chat history is now loaded when opening a chat window in brclient or GUI.

Chat history is now loaded when opening a chat window in brclient or GUI. Currently, we're just loading the last 500 lines from the logs. Depending on user feedback we can look into allowing users to change that when loading new chat windows.

We've also made large strides in getting mobile builds working. The backend code has been updated to work with Go Mobile which will allow for the dcrlnd and client code to work on mobile platforms. The GUI has been updated to provide a baseline responsiveness for small screens. We are currently implementing a new design from @saender to have a mobile specific UX/UI.

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brclient v0.1.8


  • content filtering (/filters)
  • basic backup (/backup destdir)
  • simple store for selling digital files (see docs)


  • Add syncfreelist option in bbolt for improved startup time. Defaults to true.
  • Force recheck on server after a channel changes status, speeding up reconnect.
  • Switch brclient to strict INI.
  • Attempt auto key exchange when sending groupchat messages when an unknown member exists
    in the groupchat.
  • Display newly kx'd users in groupchats
  • Remove old mediate ID requests using server expiry.
  • Display chat history in PM's and GC's
  • Create version 1 groupchats by default.
  • Confirm comment before submitting.
  • Allow using $EDITOR for post comments. (/post)
  • Allow closing channels with the channel prefix.
  • Add client 3*way handshake feature to test ratchets (/handshake)
  • Fetch rates from Bittrex as well as dcrdata.
  • Sort posts by recent activity
  • Add command to show running Tip attempts (/runningtips)
  • Pass proxy settings to DCRLND backend.
  • Support br:// links to other users pages.

Bug fixes

  • Switch HTTP client idle connections from 100 to 2.
  • Fix duplicated messages in new chat windows.
  • fix concurrent autokx causing broken ratchets.
  • Fix possible panic in /ln channels.

Bison Relay GUI (bruig) v0.1.8


  • We've added an 'Address Book' feature. Now chats will only be populated in
    the chats list if there is some sort of history in the chat. The user may
    also 'hide' the chat and remove it from the list if they'd like. To start a
    new chat, the user can click the button to show the address book and then
    they can click the start chat button.


  • Notifications are now shown in the sidebar for both new chat and new posts
    or new comments. These notifications are shown until the new content has
    been viewed.

  • Chat areas have been improved for scrolling and various other quirks with
    input entry. Hopefully this should reduce strange scroll bounces and issues
    with inputing while actively receiving messages.

  • As mentioned above, we've done a first pass for small screen/mobile
    responsiveness. While we are implementing the final designs offered by
    @saender, this first pass should allow basic usage while in a very small
    screen width.

  • Feed is now being sorted by last activity. Whatever is the most recent
    (new comment or new post) will be shown at the top then in descending order

  • The comment areas below all posts have been improved and refined to allow for
    more easy thread/comment tracking and conversations.

  • Chat lists have been improved to now be collapsable and new chat buttons
    in more streamlined locations.

  • We are now able to show embedded pictures in the feed posts screen.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt (ay-p)
  • David Hill (dhill)
  • miki-totefu
  • Tiago Alves Dulce (tiagoalvesdulce)


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub


25 Apr 18:05
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bruig: Update to 0.1.7 (#218)

v0.1.7-rc1: bruig: Fix Query Routes

21 Apr 20:16
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* bruig: Fix Query Routes

* review fixes

* add node alias


22 Mar 18:33
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v0.1.6-rc1 Pre-release
bruig: Bump to v0.1.6

v0.1.5: clientrpc: add authornick to post status (#151)

14 Mar 21:03
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