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Colour 0.4.0

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@KelSolaar KelSolaar released this 20 Feb 07:02
· 855 commits to develop since this release

Colour 0.4.0 - Alpha Milestone

Over a year in the making, this release integrates most of the GSoC 2021 work from Cédric (@villirion), all the code from Geetansh (@SGeetansh) and the remaining GSoC 2020 code from Nishant (@njwardhan). We would like to thank them again for their great contributions!

Python 2.7 support has been dropped and the minimal version is Python 3.8 as per The following minimal dependency versions are also required:

The highlights of this release are as follows:

  • Colour now runs on iOS and iPadOS with Pyto.
  • The import of colour is now 3.6 times faster.
  • Typing annotations have been added and the codebase is checked with Mypy.
  • The documentation has been updated and uses the pydata-sphinx-theme and has better compliance with PEP257.
  • The code formatter is now Black,
  • Many Python 3 features such as f-Strings or the dataclass decorator have been adopted.
  • The plotting API has been improved to be more consistent when setting the colours of some figures, e.g. spectral or planckian locus.
  • New colour appearance models:
    • Zhai and Luo (2018) chromatic adaptation model.
    • Kim, Weyrich and Kautz (2009) colour appearance model.
    • ZCAM colour appearance model.
    • Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect estimation.
  • New colour models:
    • Oklab colour model.
    • Hanbury (2003) IHLS (Improved HLS) colourspace.
    • DIN99b, DIN99c, and DIN99d refined formulas.
    • ProLab colourspace.
    • Sarifuddin and Missaoui (2005) HCL colourspace.
  • New RGB colourspaces and transfer functions:
    • Nikon N-Gamut colourspace and the N-Log log encoding.
    • Blackmagic Wide Gamut colourspace and the associated Blackmagic Film Generation 5 OETF.
    • DaVinci Intermediate OETF.
    • RED Log3G10 encoding and decoding curves with linear extension.
  • Other notable features:
    • Huang et al. (2015) power-functions.
    • LUT 1D, LUT 3x1D and LUT 3D inversion.
    • UPRTek and Sekonic spectral data parsers.
    • SPImtx LUT input and output.
    • R'G'B' to Y'CbCr matrices computation.
    • Gamut ring/section plotting.
    • Rösch-MacAdam colour solid hue lines.
    • Support for OpenColorIO processor.

Thanks again to all the contributors to this release!



  • The API has been fully annotated with typing annotations, a new colour.hints sub-package exporting all the hints has been created.


  • Import time has been reduced to ~1.5secs from 5.5secs on @KelSolaar's MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) by using a lazy load mechanism for the spectral data and delaying various imports in the colour.plotting.tm3018 module. See PR #840 for more information.
  • Repetitive spectral computations are now cached and a small cache management API has been created, see colour.utilities.CACHE_REGISTRY attribute for more information.
  • The colour.sd_to_XYZ and colour.msds_to_XYZ definitions now use the same n-dimensional code under the hood. Some minor numerical differences are expected as the explicit summations and multiplications have been replaced with


GSoC - 2021

  • Implement support for Zhai and Luo (2018) chromatic adaptation model with colour.adaptation.chromatic_adaptation_Zhai2018 definition. (@villirion, @KelSolaar)


GSoC - 2021

  • Implement support for Kim, Weyrich and Kautz (2009) colour appearance model with colour.XYZ_to_Kim2009 and colour.Kim2009_to_XYZ definitions. (@villirion, @KelSolaar)

  • Implement support for ZCAM colour appearance model with the colour.XYZ_to_ZCAM and colour.ZCAM_to_XYZ definitions. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect estimation with colour.HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_object_Nayatani1997 and colour.HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_luminous_Nayatani1997 definitions. (@ilia3101, @KelSolaar)
  • Colour appearance models now use a dataclass-like class output instead of the namedtuple and thus are mutable.


  • Various ACES Input Device Transform computation objects have been updated to generate additional data and support more features for the Academy Input Device Transform (IDT) calculator. (@KelSolaar, @aforsythe)
  • Add colour.camera_RGB_to_ACES2065_1 definition. (@KelSolaar, @aforsythe)


  • Implement support for spectral uniformity computation with colour.spectral_uniformity definition. (@KelSolaar)
  • Add colour.TVS_ILLUMINANTS attribute providing a reference for the CIE XYZ tristimulus values of the CIE illuminants. (@KelSolaar)
  • Ensure that colour.SpectralShape and dict KeysView class instances can be passed as domain to colour.SpectralDistribution and colour.MutliSpectralDistributions classes. (@KelSolaar)
  • The colour.colorimetry.yellowness_ASTME313 definition has been updated to use the recommended Yellowness Index equation as given by ASTME313. The alternative method has been renamed to colour.colorimetry.yellowness_ASTME313_alternative. (@KelSolaar, @romanovar)


  • Implement support for STRESS index computation according to García et al. (2007) method with colour.index_stress definition and colour.INDEX_STRESS_METHODS attribute. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for Huang et al. (2015) power-functions improving colour-difference formulas with colour.difference.power_function_Huang2015 definition. (@KelSolaar)

GSoC - 2020

  • Implement support for LUT 1D, LUT 3x1D and LUT 3D inversion with the colour.LUT1D.invert, colour.LUT3x1D.invert and colour.LUT3D.invert methods. (@njwardhan, @KelSolaar)

GSoC - 2021

  • Implement support for UPRTek and Sekonic spectral data parsers with the colour.SpectralDistribution_UPRTek and colour.SpectralDistribution_Sekonic classes. (@SGeetansh, @KelSolaar)

  • Implement support for OpenColorIO processor with definition. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for SPImtx LUT input and output with new and definitions and support class. (@nick-shaw, @KelSolaar, @zachlewis)
  • The class can now be hashed and compared for equality. (@JGoldstone)


GSoC - 2021

  • Implement support for Hanbury (2003) IHLS (Improved HLS) colourspace with colour.RGB_to_IHLS and colour.IHLS_to_RGB definitions. (@SGeetansh, @KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for DIN99b, DIN99c, and DIN99d refined formulas in colour.Lab_to_DIN99 and colour.DIN99_to_Lab definitions. (@SGeetansh)
  • Implement support for ProLab colourspace with colour.ProLab_to_XYZ and colour.XYZ_to_ProLab definitions. (@SGeetansh, @KelSolaar)

  • Implement support for Sarifuddin and Missaoui (2005) HCL colourspace with colour.RGB_to_HCL and colour.HCL_to_RGB definitions. (@Saransh-cpp, @KelSolaar)
  • Implement wrapper colour.XYZ_to_ICTCP and colour.ICTCP_to_XYZ definitions. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement wrapper colour.XYZ_to_CAM02LCD, colour.CAM02LCD_to_XYZ, colour.XYZ_to_CAM02SCD, colour.CAM02SCD_to_XYZ, colour.XYZ_to_CAM02UCS and
    colour.CAM02UCS_to_XYZ definitions. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement wrapper colour.XYZ_to_CAM16LCD, colour.CAM16LCD_to_XYZ, colour.XYZ_to_CAM16SCD, colour.CAM16SCD_to_XYZ, colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS and
    colour.CAM16UCS_to_XYZ definitions. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for R'G'B' to Y'CbCr matrices computation with colour.matrix_YCbCr and colour.offset_YCbCr definitions. (@KelSolaar, @nick-shaw)
  • Implement support for Oklab colour model with colour.XYZ_to_Oklab and colour.Oklab_to_XYZ definitions. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for Nikon N-Gamut colourspace and the N-Log log encoding and decoding curves with colour.models.RGB_COLOURSPACE_N_GAMUT class and colour.models.log_encoding_NLOG and colour.models.log_decoding_NLOG definitions. (@sobotka, @KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for RED Log3G10 encoding and decoding curves that uses a linear extension as given in the final version of White Paper on REDWideGamutRGB and Log3G10. (@jedypod)
  • Implement support for Blackmagic Wide Gamut colourspace and the associated Blackmagic Film Generation 5 OETF and its inverse with colour.models.RGB_COLOURSPACE_BLACKMAGIC_WIDE_GAMUT attribute, colour.models.oetf_BlackmagicFilmGeneration5 and colour.models.oetf_inverse_BlackmagicFilmGeneration5 definitions. (@KelSolaar)
  • Implement support for DaVinci Intermediate OETF and its inverse with colour.models.oetf_DaVinciIntermediate and colour.models.oetf_inverse_DaVinciIntermediate definitions. (@fredsavoir, @KelSolaar)


  • Implement support for gamut ring/section plotting with the colour.plotting.plot_visible_spectrum_section and colour.plotting.plot_RGB_colourspace_section definitions. (@KelSolaar)
figure, axes = plot_visible_spectrum_section(
    model='DIN99', origin=0.5, section_opacity=0.15, standalone=False)

bounding_box = [

section_colours = colour.notation.HEX_to_RGB(

origins = []
legend_lines = []
for i, RGB in zip(np.arange(0.5, 0.9, 0.1), section_colours):
    origins.append(i * 100)
        Line2D([0], [0], color=RGB, label='{0}%'.format(i * 100)))


    title='Visible Spectrum - 50% - sRGB Sections - {0}% -  DIN99'.format(


  • Improve zorder across the colour.plotting sub-package and implement various new parameters to customize better figures such as the Chromaticity Diagram.



  • Implement support to generate the Rösch-MacAdam colour solid hue lines with the colour.volume.XYZ_outer_surface/colour.volume.solid_RoschMacAdam definition. (@KelSolaar)
import colour

figure, axes = colour.plotting.plot_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931(

bins = len(colour.volume.spectrum.SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OUTER_SURFACE_XYZ.range())

xy = colour.XYZ_to_xy(
        point_order='Pulse Wave Width', filter_jagged_points=True)[1:-1])

for i, j in enumerate(range(0, xy.shape[0], (bins - 1) // 2)):
    hue_lines = np.vstack([xy[j:j + (bins - 1) // 2, :], xy[-1]])
    axes.plot(hue_lines[:, 0], hue_lines[:, 1], c='k')





  • Ensure that colour runs on iOS and iPadOS. (@KelSolaar)



  • Ensure that the cache used by colour.sd_to_XYZ definition returns a copy of the data. (@KelSolaar)


  • Fix IES TM-30-18 Colour Rendition Report Local Color Fidelity sub-plot values. (@KelSolaar, @Paul-Sims)



Object Signature Author
colour.algebra.lerp lerp(x: FloatingOrArrayLike, a: FloatingOrArrayLike = 0, b: FloatingOrArrayLike = 1, clip: Boolean = False) -> NDArray @KelSolaar


Object Name Author
colour.biochemistry.reaction_rate_MichealisMenten reaction_rate_MichaelisMenten @KelSolaar
colour.biochemistry.substrate_concentration_MichealisMenten substrate_concentration_MichaelisMenten ...


Object Signature Author
colour.characterisation.training_data_sds_to_XYZ training_data_sds_to_XYZ(training_data: MultiSpectralDistributions, cmfs: MultiSpectralDistributions, illuminant: SpectralDistribution, chromatic_adaptation_transform: Union[Literal["Bianco 2010", "Bianco PC 2010", "Bradford", "CAT02 Brill 2008", "CAT02", "CAT16", "CMCCAT2000", "CMCCAT97", "Fairchild", "Sharp", "Von Kries", "XYZ Scaling", ], str, ] = "CAT02") -> NDArray @KelSolaar
colour.matrix_idt matrix_idt(sensitivities: RGB_CameraSensitivities, illuminant: SpectralDistribution, training_data: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, optimisation_factory: Callable = optimisation_factory_rawtoaces_v1, optimisation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, chromatic_adaptation_transform: Union[Literal["Bianco 2010", "Bianco PC 2010", "Bradford", "CAT02 Brill 2008", "CAT02", "CAT16", "CMCCAT2000", "CMCCAT97", "Fairchild", "Sharp", "Von Kries", "XYZ Scaling", ], str, ] = "CAT02", additional_data: Boolean = False) -> Union[Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray, NDArray], Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]] ...
colour.sd_to_aces_relative_exposure_values sd_to_aces_relative_exposure_values(sd: SpectralDistribution, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, apply_chromatic_adaptation: Boolean = False, chromatic_adaptation_transform: Union[Literal["Bianco 2010", "Bianco PC 2010", "Bradford", "CAT02 Brill 2008", "CAT02", "CAT16", "CMCCAT2000", "CMCCAT97", "Fairchild", "Sharp", "Von Kries", "XYZ Scaling", ], str, ] = "CAT02") -> NDArray ...


  • colour.SpectralShape class must always be initialised with the start, end and interval parameters. (@KelSolaar)
Object Signature Author
colour.colorimetric_purity colorimetric_purity(xy: ArrayLike, xy_n: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None) -> FloatingOrNDArray @KelSolaar
colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308 msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308(msds: MultiSpectralDistributions, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, use_practice_range: Boolean = True, mi_5nm_omission_method: Boolean = True, mi_20nm_interpolation_method: Boolean = True, k: Optional[Number] = None) -> NDArray ...
colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_integration msds_to_XYZ_integration(msds: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, shape: Optional[SpectralShape] = None) -> NDArray ...
colour.colorimetry.sd_gaussian_fwhm sd_gaussian_fwhm(peak_wavelength: Floating, fwhm: Floating, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.colorimetry.sd_gaussian_normal sd_gaussian_normal(mu: Floating, sigma: Floating, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.colorimetry.sd_single_led_Ohno2005 sd_single_led_Ohno2005(peak_wavelength: Floating, fwhm: Floating, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308 sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308(sd: SpectralDistribution, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, use_practice_range: Boolean = True, mi_5nm_omission_method: Boolean = True, mi_20nm_interpolation_method: Boolean = True, k: Optional[Number] = None) -> NDArray ...
colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_integration sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, shape: Optional[SpectralShape] = None) -> NDArray ...
colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308 sd_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308(sd: SpectralDistribution, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None) -> NDArray ...
colour.colorimetry.yellowness_ASTME313 yellowness_ASTME313(XYZ: ArrayLike, C_XZ: ArrayLike = YELLOWNESS_COEFFICIENTS_ASTME313["CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer" ]["D65"]) -> FloatingOrNDArray ...
colour.complementary_wavelength complementary_wavelength(xy: ArrayLike, xy_n: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray] ...
colour.dominant_wavelength dominant_wavelength(xy: ArrayLike, xy_n: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, inverse: bool = False) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray] ...
colour.excitation_purity excitation_purity(xy: ArrayLike, xy_n: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None) -> FloatingOrNDArray ...
colour.luminous_efficacy luminous_efficacy(sd: SpectralDistribution, lef: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None) -> Floating ...
colour.luminous_efficiency luminous_efficiency(sd: SpectralDistribution, lef: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None) -> Floating ...
colour.luminous_flux luminous_flux(sd: SpectralDistribution, lef: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, K_m: Floating = CONSTANT_K_M) -> Floating ...
colour.mesopic_weighting_function mesopic_weighting_function(wavelength: FloatingOrArrayLike, L_p: Floating, source: Union[Literal["Blue Heavy", "Red Heavy"], str] = "Blue Heavy", method: Union[Literal["MOVE", "LRC"], str] = "MOVE", photopic_lef: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, scotopic_lef: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None) -> FloatingOrNDArray ...
colour.msds_constant msds_constant(k: Floating, labels: Sequence, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> MultiSpectralDistributions ...
colour.msds_ones msds_ones(labels: Sequence, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> MultiSpectralDistributions ...
colour.msds_to_XYZ msds_to_XYZ(msds: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, method: Union[Literal["ASTM E308", "Integration"], str] = "ASTM E308", **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray ...
colour.msds_zeros msds_zeros(labels: Sequence, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> MultiSpectralDistributions ...
colour.sd_constant sd_constant(k: Floating, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.sd_gaussian sd_gaussian(mu_peak_wavelength: Floating, sigma_fwhm: Floating, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, method: Union[Literal["Normal", "FWHM"], str] = "Normal", **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.sd_mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function sd_mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function(L_p: Floating, source: Union[Literal["Blue Heavy", "Red Heavy"], str] = "Blue Heavy", method: Union[Literal["MOVE", "LRC"], str] = "MOVE", photopic_lef: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, scotopic_lef: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.sd_multi_leds_Ohno2005 sd_multi_leds_Ohno2005(peak_wavelengths: ArrayLike, fwhm: ArrayLike, peak_power_ratios: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.sd_multi_leds sd_multi_leds(peak_wavelengths: ArrayLike, fwhm: ArrayLike, peak_power_ratios: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, method: Union[Literal["Ohno 2005"], str] = "Ohno 2005", **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.sd_ones sd_ones(shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.sd_single_led sd_single_led(peak_wavelength: Floating, fwhm: Floating, shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, method: Union[Literal["Ohno 2005"], str] = "Ohno 2005", **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.sd_to_XYZ sd_to_XYZ(sd: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, method: Union[Literal["ASTM E308", "Integration"], str] = "ASTM E308", **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray ...
colour.sd_zeros sd_zeros(shape: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, **kwargs: Any) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.wavelength_to_XYZ wavelength_to_XYZ(wavelength: FloatingOrNDArray, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None) -> NDArray ...
colour.yellowness yellowness(XYZ: ArrayLike, method: Union[ Literal["ASTM D1925", "ASTM E313", "ASTM E313 Alternative"], str ] = "ASTM E313", **kwargs: Any) -> FloatingOrNDArray ...


Object Name Author
Object Signature Author
colour.geometry.primitive_grid primitive_grid(width: Floating = 1, height: Floating = 1, width_segments: Integer = 1, height_segments: Integer = 1, axis: Literal[ "-x", "+x", "-y", "+y", "-z", "+z", "xy", "xz", "yz", "yx", "zx", "zy" ] = "+z", dtype_vertices: Optional[Type[DTypeFloating]] = None, dtype_indexes: Optional[Type[DTypeInteger]] = None) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray] @KelSolaar
colour.geometry.primitive_cube primitive_cube(width: Floating = 1, height: Floating = 1, depth: Floating = 1, width_segments: Integer = 1, height_segments: Integer = 1, depth_segments: Integer = 1, planes: Optional[ Literal[ "-x", "+x", "-y", "+y", "-z", "+z", "xy", "xz", "yz", "yx", "zx", "zy", ] ] = None, dtype_vertices: Optional[Type[DTypeFloating]] = None, dtype_indexes: Optional[Type[DTypeInteger]] = None) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray] ...

Object Name Author
colour.LUT1D.as_LUT convert @KelSolaar
colour.LUT3x1D.as_LUT convert ...
colour.LUT3D.as_LUT convert ...
Object Signature Author
colour.read_spectral_data_from_csv_file read_spectral_data_from_csv_file(path: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, NDArray] @KelSolaar
colour.read_sds_from_csv_file read_sds_from_csv_file(path: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, SpectralDistribution] ...
colour.write_sds_to_csv_file write_sds_to_csv_file(sds: Dict[str, SpectralDistribution], path: str) -> Boolean ...


Object Signature Author
colour.Lab_to_DIN99 Lab_to_DIN99(Lab: ArrayLike, k_E: Floating = 1, k_CH: Floating = 1, method: Union[ Literal["ASTMD2244-07", "DIN99", "DIN99b", "DIN99c", "DIN99d"], str ] = "DIN99") -> NDArray @SGeetansh
colour.DIN99_to_Lab DIN99_to_Lab(Lab_99: ArrayLike, k_E: Floating = 1, k_CH: Floating = 1, method: Union[ Literal["ASTMD2244-07", "DIN99", "DIN99b", "DIN99c", "DIN99d"], str ] = "DIN99") -> NDArray @SGeetansh
Object Name Author
colour.RGB_to_ICTCP RGB_to_ICtCp @KelSolaar
colour.ICTCP_to_RGB ICtCp_to_RGB ...
colour.RGB_to_IGPGTG RGB_to_IgPgTg ...
colour.IGPGTG_to_RGB IgPgTg_to_RGB ...
colour.XYZ_to_JzAzBz XYZ_to_Jzazbz ...
colour.JzAzBz_to_XYZ Jzazbz_to_XYZ ...


Object Signature Author
colour.plotting.plot_constant_hue_loci plot_constant_hue_loci(data: ArrayLike, model: Union[ Literal[ "CAM02LCD", "CAM02SCD", "CAM02UCS", "CAM16LCD", "CAM16SCD", "CAM16UCS", "CIE XYZ", "CIE xyY", "CIE Lab", "CIE Luv", "CIE UCS", "CIE UVW", "DIN99", "Hunter Lab", "Hunter Rdab", "ICaCb", "ICtCp", "IPT", "IgPgTg", "Jzazbz", "OSA UCS", "Oklab", "hdr-CIELAB", "hdr-IPT", ], str, ] = "CIE Lab", scatter_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, convert_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] @KelSolaar
colour.plotting.plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction(experiment: Union[ Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12], CorrespondingColourDataset ] = 1, model: Union[ Literal[ "CIE 1994", "CMCCAT2000", "Fairchild 1990", "Von Kries", "Zhai 2018", ], str, ] = "Von Kries", corresponding_chromaticities_prediction_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] ...
colour.plotting.plot_RGB_colourspaces_gamuts plot_RGB_colourspaces_gamuts(colourspaces: Union[ RGB_Colourspace, str, Sequence[Union[RGB_Colourspace, str]] ], reference_colourspace: Union[ Literal[ "CAM02LCD", "CAM02SCD", "CAM02UCS", "CAM16LCD", "CAM16SCD", "CAM16UCS", "CIE XYZ", "CIE xyY", "CIE Lab", "CIE Luv", "CIE UCS", "CIE UVW", "DIN99", "Hunter Lab", "Hunter Rdab", "ICaCb", "ICtCp", "IPT", "IgPgTg", "Jzazbz", "OSA UCS", "Oklab", "hdr-CIELAB", "hdr-IPT", ], str, ] = "CIE xyY", segments: Integer = 8, show_grid: Boolean = True, grid_segments: Integer = 10, show_spectral_locus: Boolean = False, spectral_locus_colour: Optional[Union[ArrayLike, str]] = None, cmfs: Union[ MultiSpectralDistributions, str, Sequence[Union[MultiSpectralDistributions, str]], ] = "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", chromatically_adapt: Boolean = False, convert_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] ...
colour.plotting.plot_RGB_scatter plot_RGB_scatter(RGB: ArrayLike, colourspace: Union[ RGB_Colourspace, str, Sequence[Union[RGB_Colourspace, str]] ], reference_colourspace: Union[ Literal[ "CAM02LCD", "CAM02SCD", "CAM02UCS", "CAM16LCD", "CAM16SCD", "CAM16UCS", "CIE XYZ", "CIE xyY", "CIE Lab", "CIE Luv", "CIE UCS", "CIE UVW", "DIN99", "Hunter Lab", "Hunter Rdab", "ICaCb", "ICtCp", "IPT", "IgPgTg", "Jzazbz", "OSA UCS", "Oklab", "hdr-CIELAB", "hdr-IPT", ], str, ] = "CIE xyY", colourspaces: Optional[ Union[RGB_Colourspace, str, Sequence[Union[RGB_Colourspace, str]]] ] = None, segments: Integer = 8, show_grid: Boolean = True, grid_segments: Integer = 10, show_spectral_locus: Boolean = False, spectral_locus_colour: Optional[Union[ArrayLike, str]] = None, points_size: Floating = 12, cmfs: Union[ MultiSpectralDistributions, str, Sequence[Union[MultiSpectralDistributions, str]], ] = "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", chromatically_adapt: Boolean = False, convert_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] ...
colour.plotting.plot_planckian_locus_in_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931 plot_planckian_locus_in_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931(illuminants: Union[str, Sequence[str]], chromaticity_diagram_callable_CIE1931: Callable = plot_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931, annotate_kwargs: Optional[Union[Dict, List[Dict]]] = None, plot_kwargs: Optional[Union[Dict, List[Dict]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] ...
colour.plotting.plot_planckian_locus_in_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1960UCS plot_planckian_locus_in_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1960UCS(illuminants: Union[str, Sequence[str]], chromaticity_diagram_callable_CIE1960UCS: Callable = plot_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1960UCS, annotate_kwargs: Optional[Union[Dict, List[Dict]]] = None, plot_kwargs: Optional[Union[Dict, List[Dict]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] ...


Object Signature Author
colour.recovery.find_coefficients_Jakob2019 find_coefficients_Jakob2019(XYZ: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, coefficients_0: ArrayLike = zeros(3), max_error: Floating = JND_CIE1976 / 100, dimensionalise: Boolean = True) -> Tuple[NDArray, Floating] @KelSolaar
colour.recovery.spectral_primary_decomposition_Mallett2019 spectral_primary_decomposition_Mallett2019(colourspace: RGB_Colourspace, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, metric: Callable = np.linalg.norm, metric_args: Tuple = tuple(), optimisation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None) -> MultiSpectralDistributions ...
colour.recovery.XYZ_to_sd_Jakob2019 XYZ_to_sd_Jakob2019(XYZ: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, optimisation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, additional_data: Boolean = False) -> Union[Tuple[SpectralDistribution, Floating], SpectralDistribution] ...
colour.recovery.XYZ_to_sd_Meng2015 XYZ_to_sd_Meng2015(XYZ: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, optimisation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None) -> SpectralDistribution ...
colour.recovery.XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018 XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018(XYZ: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, dataset: Dataset_Otsu2018 = DATASET_REFERENCE_OTSU2018, clip: Boolean = True) -> SpectralDistribution ...


Object Access Author
colour.temperature.CCT_to_uv_Ohno2013 CCT_to_uv_Ohno2013(CCT_D_uv: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None) -> NDArray @KelSolaar
colour.temperature.uv_to_CCT_Ohno2013 uv_to_CCT_Ohno2013(uv: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, start: Floating = CCT_MINIMAL, end: Floating = CCT_MAXIMAL, count: Integer = CCT_SAMPLES, iterations: Integer = CCT_CALCULATION_ITERATIONS) -> NDArray ...


Object Access Author
colour.utilities.lerp colour.algebra.lerp @KelSolaar
colour.utilities.linear_conversion colour.algebra.linear_conversion ...
colour.utilities.matrix_dot colour.algebra.matrix_dot ...
colour.utilities.normalise_maximum colour.algebra.normalise_maximum ...
colour.utilities.vector_dot colour.algebra.vector_dot ...
Object Name Author
colour.utilities.set_int _precision set_default_int_dtype @KelSolaar
colour.utilities.set_float_precision set_default_float_dtype ...


Object Signature Author
colour.is_within_visible_spectrum is_within_visible_spectrum(XYZ: ArrayLike, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, tolerance: Optional[Floating] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray @KelSolaar
colour.RGB_colourspace_limits RGB_colourspace_limits(colourspace: RGB_Colourspace) -> NDArray @KelSolaar, @ramparvathaneni
colour.volume.generate_pulse_waves generate_pulse_waves(bins: Integer, pulse_order: Union[Literal["Bins", "Pulse Wave Width"], str] = "Bins", filter_jagged_pulses: Boolean = False) -> NDArray ...
colour.volume.XYZ_outer_surface XYZ_outer_surface(cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, point_order: Union[Literal["Bins", "Pulse Wave Width"], str] = "Bins", filter_jagged_points: Boolean = False, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArray ...