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Publishing a Release

Daniel Kuhn edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 6 revisions

Make sure the changelog is up to date (see Updating the Changelog).

Pageflow uses Rake tasks provided by the semmy gem:

$ bundle exec rake release:prepare

In case release:prepare fails due to translations left in config/locales/new, Update the locales in localeapp first and then try again

Check the automatically made changes, then run:

$ bundle exec rake release[upstream]

The task creates a stable branch and an additional commit that bumps the minor version. Once verified, push these changes into the upstream repository:

 $ git push upstream 12-1-stable # replace 12-1 by the correct minor version
 $ git push upstream master

Close the GitHub milestone for the version you just released and create a GitHub milestone for the next minor version (e.g. v12.2).