This repo contains all sandbox templates maintained by CodeSandbox.
Run the following command to automatically update all templates
zx ./.scripts/update-templates.mjs
We have 4 official Sandbox templates:
- React
- React Typescript
- Vanilla Typescript
- HTML + CSS (GitHub)
When converting a Sandbox to a Devbox we use the Sandbox Migration template, which has all dependencies of our Sandbox templates installed.
When updating any dependencies, make sure we keep them in sync or conversion will take longer.
This is list auto-generated from the templates in this repository.
Title | Description |
AI Code Completion | Write code faster using our built-in code completion, powered by Codeium. |
Angular | The quickest way to get started with Angular! |
Astro | The official Astro template |
Astro Starlight Documentation | Everything you need to build a stellar documentation website. Fast, accessible, and easy-to-use. |
Astro Tailwind Starter | Astro together with Tailwind on CodeSandbox |
Bun | Quickly get started with Bun using this starter! |
Cloudflare Workers (Simple) | A Cloudflare worker template that outputs a simple "Hello World" |
Create-T3-app | This is a T3 Stack project bootstrapped with create-t3-app . |
Deno | Deno starter that uses CodeSandbox native Docker support |
Deno Fresh | Deno template with Fresh |
Docker | The easiest way to get started from Docker in CodeSandbox |
Docusaurus | Docusaurus example project |
Elixir | A quick starter for getting started with Elixir |
FastHTML Application | FastHTML app to show to your mom and coworkers |
Gatsby | The official Gatsby Cloud Sandbox Template by the CodeSandbox team |
Gleam | A quick starter for getting started with Gleam |
Go | Get started with Go in CodeSandbox! |
Hono + Next.js | The default Hono starter, based on Next.js |
HTML + CSS | A template for HTML and CSS |
JavaScript | The JavaScript template |
Jupyter | This is a starter for Jupyter Notebook or Lab. Jupyter is the latest web-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data. Its flexible interface allows users to configure and arrange workflows in data science, scientific computing, computational journalism, and machine learning. |
Nest | The official Nest template by the CodeSandbox team |
Next.js | The official Next.js template by the CodeSandbox team |
Next.js (App Router) | This is a Next.js project using Next.js 13 /app directory. |
Next.js + Postgres | The perfect starter for a full-stack application using Next.js, Postgres and Drizzle-ORM. |
Next.js 15 | Next.js 15 beta starter |
Node Express Server | Node.js Express starter project |
Node HTTP Server | Node.js example server starter project |
Node.js | The official Node.js template by the CodeSandbox team |
Nodebox Starter | This is a template that shows you how Nodebox works with a sample Node code. |
Nuxt | A starter that allows you to quickly get started using Nuxt v3. |
Nuxt Todos on the Edge | Perfect starter for building a Nuxt.js application for the edge with Drizzle and SQLite |
PHP Starter | Quickly get started with PHP using this starter |
Python | The starter template of Python for CodeSandbox |
Python Flask Server | This is an example of a Flask server running "hello world" |
Python OpenAI | This is a starter for OpenAI. The API examples help you accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI. Unlike most AI systems which are designed for one use-case, the API today provides a general-purpose “text in, text out” interface, allowing users to try it on virtually any English language task. You can now request access in order to integrate the API into your product, develop an entirely new application, or help us explore the strengths and limits of this technology. |
Python Selenium | This is a starter for Python Selenium. With Selenium you can create browser automation projects, web project testing, or scrape information from websites. |
Pytorch | This is a starter for Pytorch. PyTorch is a machine learning framework based on the Torch library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing, originally developed by Meta AI and now part of the Linux Foundation umbrella. |
Qwik (Vite) | This is a Basic App (QwikCity) starter project |
React (Farm FE + TS) | React running with Farm |
React (JS) | Quickest way to get started with a React application! Uses Vite on the server, and create-react-app in the browser. |
React (Rsbuild + TS) | React running with Rsbuild, the Rspack-based build tool |
React (TS) | Quickest way to get started with a React application! Uses Vite on the server, and create-react-app in the browser. |
React + Chakra | React running on Vite with the Chakra component system integrated for styling |
React + Tailwind | React running on Vite with Tailwind integrated for styling |
React Native with Expo | Quickly get started with React Native using Expo in this starter! |
Remix | The official Remix Cloud Sandbox Template by the CodeSandbox team |
Ruby on Rails | Ruby on Rails starter using Postgres |
Rust | This is the perfect place to get started with Rust! |
Rust & Axum | A starter for getting started with Axum and Rust |
Rust & Poem REST Server | A REST server using Rust and Poem |
Rust & Serde | Shows how Rust and Serde are used together to serialize. |
Solid (Vite) | This is a starter template to get started with Solid |
Solid Start | A fullstack framework for building applications with Solid.js |
Storybook (React) | An example of running Storybook on CodeSandbox |
SvelteKit | The official Svelte Cloud Sandbox Template by the CodeSandbox team |
TanStack Start | Full-stack React framework powered by TanStack Router |
Tensorflow | This is a starter for Tensorflow and Keras. Tensorflow is an end-to-end machine learning and AI platform. It can be used across a range of tasks but has a particular focus on training and inference of deep neural networks. |
Universal | A starter that contains almost all programming languages |
Vite (JS) | Starter template for Vite + JavaScript |
Vite (TS) | Starter template for Vite + TypeScript |
Vue | Vue 3 set up using Vite |