A ChatGPT-powered food ordering bot.
Access here: https://restaurant-order-bot.streamlit.app/
Create a bot to handle every aspect of customer orders automatically.
Using ChatGPT and the OpenAI API, I built a simple restaurant ordering chatbot. It handles customer orders and addresses inquiries in a fully automated way.
- Add streaming support - currently outputs answer in one big dump which leaves the user waiting for a while and decreases UX.
- Integrate with a social media platform, e.g. Facebook Messenger or Instagram. Chatbots need to be native to wherever a business uses them. Exposing this as an API would enable this.
- Improve output rendering with markdown to give a more pleasing UI. Instead of a wall of text, it would be lovely to get structured output or even output that can handle images or coloured text.
- Integrate a card payment processor.
- Safety guardrails, e.g. defending prompt injections and potentially implementing a moderation API to ensure the chatbot cannot be used for nefarious purposes.