Issues with the API should be filed at the issue tracker
All Open Civic Data issues can be browsed and filed at the Open Civic Data JIRA instance.
Instructions assumes that you already have a database populated with scraped data.
mkvirtualenv ocdapi --python=`which python3`
workon ocdapi
export DATABASE_URL=postgis://my-user:@localhost/my-pupa-database
python migrate
python runserver
Alternatively, you can add the database connection information to
cp ocdapi/ ocdapi/
Then you'll need to edit ocdapi/
to contain the so that it
contains the correct connection information
To run the app:
workon ocdapi
cd <directory where you cloned the repo>
python runserver
This repo is essentially just a Django project for deployment- actual API code is a part of several other projects:
- boundaries - backs GIS portion
- imago - people, bills, events, etc.