A python layer to interface with several SMTlIBv2 enabled SMT solvers
- Serializable.
- You can to save, replicate and send the solver state over the network
- Python native integer operations. Operation on native python types are translates to smtlib transparently
- Multiple solvers supported (Z3, YICES, CVC4)
import pickle
s = Solver()
#make array of 32->8 bits
array = s.mkArray(32)
#make free 32bit bitvector
key = s.mkBitVec(32)
#assert that the array is 'A' at key position
array[key] = 'A'
#lets restrict key to be greater than 1000
s = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(s))
self.assertEqual(s.check(), 'sat')
pysmtlib $ python -m unittest discover
Ran 8 tests in 0.619s