WiFi packages from OpenWrt master branch with some modifications for SmartOS.
The goal is to maintain synchronization with OpenWrt master while providing a sandbox for support of new WiFi chips and features.
Currently supported WiFi chips include:
- MT7622
- MT7615
- MT7915
- MT7981
- MT7986
- MT7992
- MT7996
This feed can be applied and used on top of OpenWrt master. Many Adtran/SmartRG SDG targets are supported via upstream OpenWrt and this feed can be used with any of them.
git clone https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt.git
cd openwrt
echo "src-git --force 0wifi https://github.com/cmonroe/feed-wifi-master.git" > feeds.conf
cat feeds.conf.default >> feeds.conf
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
At minimum, the following menuconfig changes are necessary:
- Target System -> MediaTek ARM
- Subtarget -> Filogic 8x0 (MT798x)
- Target Profile -> Multiple devices
- [enable] Target Devices ->
- [enable] Kernel Modules -> Wireless Drivers -> Enable testmode command support
- [disable] Firmware -> mt7986-wo-firmware
- Network -> WirelessAPD
- [enable] hostapd-openssl
- [enable] hostapd-utils
- [enable] wpa-supplicant-openssl
- [disable] wpad-basic-mbedtls
- [enable] wpa-cli
For simplicity, there are two diffconfig variants in the build directory.
- diffconfig.basic - just the changes described above.
- diffconfig.full - adds more tools such as LuCi, tcpdump, iperf3, etc.
cp feeds/0wifi/build/diffconfig.full .config
make defconfig
make -j$(nproc) || make V=s