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_**bold italics**_
- markdown
[link text]({{ "/path/to/item/" | prepend: site.baseurl }})
- html
<a href="{{ "/path/to/item/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">link text</a>
- markdown
[link text]({{site.baseurl}}{% post_url 2016-05-26-file-name-without-extension %})
- html
<a href="{{site.baseurl}}{% post_url 2016-05-26-file-name-without-extension %}">link text</a>
- markdown
[link text](
- markdown
![alt text]({{ "/path/to/item/" | prepend: site.baseurl }})
- html
<img src="{{ "/path/to/image.jpg" alt="hover text" | prepend: site.baseurl }}"/>
[link text]({{ "/path/to/item/" | prepend: site.baseurl }} "popup text")
![alt text]({{ "/path/to/item/" | prepend: site.baseurl }})
{: .css-class-name}
- the post vs page layouttitle: Title
- the title of the contentauthor.display_name: Full Name
- The author of the email@address
- The author emaildate: 2018-02-13
- the date the content was createdupdate_date: 2018-02-13
- this will show in under the title that the page has been updatedtags:
a list of tagscategories: Featured|Developer|SGID Blog|GPS-surveyor|Guestblog
published: true|false
Contacts are managed in a yml file. Please do not put email addresses directly into content.
The include has a few properties:
subject: the subject of the email link. Most of the time using
is good enough™ -
contact: the contact in the yml file to create
text: update this to change the default text generated
hide-punctuation: set this to
if you would like to remove the.
at the end of the text -
{% capture contact %}{% include contact.html subject=page.title %}{% endcapture %}
{{ contact | strip_newlines }}
- html
{% include contact.html subject=page.title %}