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clonm edited this page May 24, 2021 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the network wiki! This will expand, but for now, some FAQs

In case of emergencies (housewide outage)

Our internet connection is pretty stable - the main Cloyne router has about 99.9% uptime. Once in awhile, however - statistically about 9 hours per year - something goes wrong and the internet connection goes down. That's considered a network emergency if it lasts longer than about 20 minutes.

If Kingman's internet is down but Cloyne's is working

This is usually a problem with one of the antennas. Try power cycling the Cloyne-Kingman antenna from the E3 network closet at Cloyne. (That means unplugging the power cord labelled Kingman antenna, waiting 30 seconds, and then plugging it back in.)

If you still can't ping the Cloyne-Kingman antenna from inside Cloyne after power cycling, there's a chance the PoE cord in E3GH got unplugged (especially if it's right after room bids). Contact whoever is in that room to make sure everything looks right.

If Cloyne's internet is down

There are a lot of moving parts. Go through them one by one.

  1. Can you connect to the BSC or BSCSlow wifi network from within Cloyne?
  2. While connected to the house wifi, can you ping
    • If yes, the router works. Hooray!

After trying that, contact the current [email protected] with the results. If they can't help, contact Ellie or Mitar.

Slow Internet (Housewide)

This is when you CAN connect to the internet and load pages, but they're slow. If there's NO connection to the internet, different steps are needed.

  1. Install speedtest-cil on your laptop and anything else you're testing from

  2. Run speedtest-cli and keep track of results at various points in the network, to narrow down where the issue is. Make a table.

    a. Connected on wifi

    b. Connected by ethernet port in someone's room (or by ssh to a connected server - toadserver at Kingman or server3 at Cloyne)

    c. Connected by ethernet to the switch (the nearest one - Kingman or wherever the issue is Cloyne).

    d. If you're at Kingman: Repeat a-c but at Cloyne. If this makes the difference, it's probably the Kingman-Cloyne antenna - try power cycling it (unplug for 30 seconds/plug it back in).

    e. Connected by Ethernet to the router (at Cloyne) - e.g. ssh to server3 and run it from there so you don't have to physically move

  3. Debug the link where the speed changed a lot.

Kingman: see