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User Flow

billy rennekamp edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 4 revisions

Landing Page

  1. User lands, sees graphic
  2. scrolls to see high level explainer
    1. basically finding shapes in clouds / randomly generated content
    2. human-centric mining
    3. maybe use slides from here:
  3. newsletter sign up
  4. detailed explaination

Main App Page

  1. header -> Dashboard
  2. body -> view all Clovers


  1. mining -> look for symmetrical like now
  2. see list of symmetrical like now
  3. register found symmetrical
  4. ask: do you want to pay x to keep it, or receive x to give it up.
    1. either way you will need to pay a large stake as proof that you're not lying. you can re-claim it within 25 hours.
    2. it will show up in the list of all clovers (sth like red border til it's been confirmed)
    3. after confirmation you will be able to reclaim stake, and receive reward or clover, depending on your choic to keep or not

view all Clovers

  1. see all clovers in current grid style
  2. some clovers will be for sale from contract (because they were given up on mining for reward)
    1. these can be bought for a listed price
  3. in general clovers have typical name (comments?)
  4. order by time, price, symmetrical, asymmetrical etc.
  5. here maybe good to have something about curation market coming soon?

buy sell Club Token

  1. this is a page (or a widget) for buying and selling club token
  2. similar to pool but w real data

asymmetrical browsing

  1. this is a page where you can browse through generated asymmetrical clovers
  2. meant to be like watching clouds activity
  3. free to do, save interesting ones similar to mining dashboard
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