First-ever high-performance thread-safe BDD (Binary Decision Diagrams) library.
As of our research, Nanobdd is currently the fastest BDD library available, achieving exceptional performance in various benchmarks and use cases.
- Fully lock-free concurrency
- Automatic referencing for BDD nodes
- User controlled garbage collection
- Easy-to-use APIs by C++ operator overloading
- And of course, it is thread-safe!
Nanobdd depends on tbb for concurrent data structures.
CMake (>=v3.2) and g++(>=v9) is required for compilation.
Nanobdd follows the standard CMake project structure, the quick installation steps are as follows:
git clone
cd nanobdd
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
A simple c++ code to use nanobdd is as follows:
// include the nanobdd header file
#include <nanobdd/nanobdd.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// init nanobdd with node table size, cache size, and the number of variables
nanobdd::init(1000, 1000, 3);
// get the three variables
auto x = nanobdd::getVar(0);
auto y = nanobdd::getVar(1);
auto z = nanobdd::getVar(2);
// do magic using c++ operators
auto xy = x & y;
auto xyz = xy & z;
auto xyZ = xy & !z;
assert(xy == (xyz | xyZ));
assert(xy != nanobdd::bddFalse());
return 0;
Compile and execute the above code by:
g++ -o exe test.cpp -lnanobdd -ltbb
If no exceptions, that means the assertions are passed.
The most powerful feature of nanobdd is that it is thread-safe, which is achieved lock-free algorithms. One can safely perform any bdd operations in different threads, nanobdd will handle all underlay data contensions. An example for using C++17 parallel STL:
[&](auto bdd) {
// operate your bdd here
See examples/paralle.cpp
for full example.
We have compared nanobdd with other librarys including Buddy, JDD and Sylvan in a network verification project on a 40 CPU cores server. Typically, nanobdd is 2~10x faster than others.
Author: Dong Guo (PhD candidate of Tongji University)
Email: [email protected]