Templates for embedded-ide:
- PC
- gcc-exec.template: Local GCC project
- edu-ciaa-nxp_lib-sapi.template: EDU-CIAA-NXP template with sAPI and LPCOpen, includes a sAPI blinky example.
- edu-ciaa-nxp_lpcopen.template: EDU-CIAA-NXP template with LPCOpen, includes a LPCOpen blinky example.
- edu-ciaa-nxp_rkh.template: RKH statecharts Framework blinky example.
- edu-ciaa-nxp_snap4Arduino.template: EDU-CIAA-NXP template with snap4Arduino-like functions, sAPI and LPCOpen, includes a snap4Arduino-like functions blinky example.
- edu-ciaa-nxp_Assember.template: Assembler template (only in main, all libs, and api maintain in C)
- EDU-CIAA-NXP_CIAA-NXP_InRAM.template: Execute code in RAM without FLASH degradation (for testing)
- Pico-CIAA
- pico-ciaa_lpcopen.template: Pico-CIAA template with LPCOpen, includes a LPCOpen blinky example.
- EFM32
- efm32_sapi.template: EFM32HG template with emlib and sApi
- edu-ciaa-nxp_program_firmata.template: The Firmata-protocol client program to use the board with any Firmata host (i.e. snap4Arduino).
- edu-ciaa-nxp_program_micropython1.0.template: The MicroPython interpreter program to use MicroPython.