A modern, responsive portfolio website to host projects created by Chris Walker. Acts as a showcase to demonstrate web/full-stack development skills.
This website is designed to showcase the web development skills of Chris Walker. It contains links to a portfolio of project work, a biography, a list of skills/experience and contact information. The website is in itself a showcase, demonstrating a range of web development technologies via a clean, modern, responsive design.
No screenshots.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Edit 'resources/js/script.js' to include your own Google reCAPTCHA site key for contact form submissions.
- Edit 'resources/php/sendContactMail.php' to include your own Google reCAPTCHA secret key and recipient email address for contact form submissions.
No code examples.
- Built from the ground up without CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, etc.)
- CSS preloader
- Google Fonts for typography across the website.
- Third-party grid CSS for column layout.
- Flexbox used for arranging the projects and skills/contact sections, enabling a responsive layout as the screen size reduces.
- Waypoints JavaScript library for navigating between sections.
- Animate.css library for subtle animation effects - fading in divs and bouncing logos.
- Font Awesome font library for scalable logos.
- jQuery for scrolling to waypoints on button clicks, enabling/removing the sticky menu based on scroll direction, triggering the animations when reaching waypoints and changing the mobile navigation icon as the user opens/closes the mobile navigation menu.
- Media queries across a range of breakpoints for a responsive design on various screen sizes.
- PHP/AJAX contact form with reCAPTCHA integration.
To-do list:
- Links to new projects will be added to the projects section on an ongoing basis.
Project is: In progress
Portfolio Website to host a range of projects demonstrating web development skills. Inspired by clean, modern, single-page responsive website designs.
- Created by Chris Walker
- https://www.chrismwalker.co.uk