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Dataset Tools (TfNSW dataset)

This packages contains tools required to work with the TfNSW dataset. This package can be built locally and run on your machine by following the steps in the Local section below.


To build on a computer with ROS installed (tested on Melodic), the following should work

  1. Apply a bug fix known to effect ROS Melodic

    sudo mv /usr/include/flann/ext/lz4.h /usr/include/flann/ext/lz4.h.bak
    sudo mv /usr/include/flann/ext/lz4hc.h /usr/include/flann/ext/lz4.h.bak
    sudo ln -s /usr/include/lz4.h /usr/include/flann/ext/lz4.h
    sudo ln -s /usr/include/lz4hc.h /usr/include/flann/ext/lz4hc.h
  2. Update package sources list and install packages that are not recognised in rosdep (to be fixed in a later version)

    sudo apt update && apt install -y ros-melodic-tf-conversions ros-melodic-tf2-sensor-msgs ros-melodic-random-numbers
  3. Clone this repository and update submodules

    Note: Replace ~/catkin_ws/src with the absolute path to the source directory of your catkin workspace

    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone
    cd dataset_tools
  4. Source your catkin workspace and install dependencies

    Note: Replace ~/catkin_ws with the absolute path of your catkin workspace

    source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
    rosdep install --from-paths ~/catkin_ws/src/dataset_tools --ignore-src --rosdistro=ROS_DISTRO
  5. Build the package

    Note: Replace ~/catkin_ws with the absolute path of your catkin workspace

    cd ~/catkin_ws
    catkin build
  6. Launch the GUI

    roslaunch dataset_playback run.launch folder:='/media/stephany/Expansion/Chippendale_V2/2023-07-25-11-18-51'

    Dataset Tools GUI

  7. In a new terminal, launch RViZ

    rosrun rviz rviz
  8. Use the GUI to select a .bag file for playback

    Select a file for playback

    Select a file for playback

  9. Add topics you want to visualise in RViZ, e.g. /sekonix_camera/port_a_cam_0/image_color, /ouster/points (you may also want to change the Fixed Frame to base_link)

  10. Use the GUI to play/pause/stop the .bag file playback or use the scrubber at the bottom of the GUI to move around the .bag file faster

    Playback in RViZ


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