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What is implemented and what is not

chinhodado edited this page Dec 25, 2014 · 13 revisions

Implemented: mostly everything

  • random multihitting skills
  • fork/aoe
  • sweeping/aoe all, row-based sweeping/aoe
  • drain attacks
  • random skills
  • protect/protect-counter skills
  • wis-based auto and most other special auto attacks
  • frozen, paralyze, disabled, silent, poison, blind afflictions
  • defense skills: reactive healing, survive, counter
  • active healing
  • stats buff, wards buff, skill probability buff, extra action buff
  • debuff attack, greatly debuff opening
  • active and reactive dispell
  • active and reactive revive
  • action-on-death buffs
  • turn order change skills
  • warlords, including skill choosing for warlords
  • mounted familiars
  • on-death skills
  • basic animation
  • fam detail dialog
  • autorun battle
  • random player battle data
  • Android and iOS proc order
  • bloodclash

and other stuffs that I forgot to add.

Not implemented yet/todo:

  • remaining skillFunc, skillRange
  • better animation
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