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ROS Cellulo API - Application Package


This will be the main package for ROS Cellulo Swarm, it has two types of nodes:

  • ros_cellulo_reduced: this is a reduced version of the main RosCellulo API where no access to directly setting the final poses.
  • ros_cellulo_sensor: emulates proximity sensors for the cellulo, it calculates the distances to all other present robots, returns the number of robots within a specifed threshold (+ the distances, and their relative positions).


  • [Robot Operating System (ROS)],
  • [Qt] (QT_LIBRARIES Gui, Widgets , Quick , Bluetooth)


To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..  
catkin build


roslaunch ros_cellulo_swarm ros_cellulo_swarm.launch


type: ros_cellulo_reduced

Published Topics

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/TouchKey ([ros_cellulo/cellulo_touch_key]) Array of 6 booleans published when one touch key is pressed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/LongTouchKey ([ros_cellulo/cellulo_touch_key]) Array of 6 booleans published when one touch key is long pressed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/Kidnapped ([ros_cellulo/cellulo_kidnapped_msg]) Message with the cellulo address and the kidnapped value. Published when kidnapped state change on the robot.

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/ConnectionStatus ([std_msgs/Int8]) Connection status, published when ConnectionStatus is changed.

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/LocalAdapterAdress ([std_msgs/String]) Local Adapter Address, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/autoConnect ([std_msgs/Bool]) autoConnect state of the cellulo, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/macAddress ([std_msgs/String]) Mac Address, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/BatteryState ([std_msgs/Int8]) Battery State, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/Gesture ([std_msgs/Int8]) Gesture, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/lastTimestamp ([std_msgs/Int8]) Last time stamp, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/framerate ([std_msgs/Float32]) Frame rate, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/cameraImageProgress ([std_msgs/Float32]) Camera image progess, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/Vx ([std_msgs/Float64]) Velocity Vx, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/Vy ([std_msgs/Float64]) Velocity Vy, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/w ([std_msgs/Float64]) rotational velocity w, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/poseVelControlEnable ([std_msgs/Bool]) Flag poseVelControlEnable, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/poseVelControlPeriod ([std_msgs/Int32]) poseVelControlPeriod, published when it is changed

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/visualization_marker_traj ([visualization_msgs/Marker]) Visualization marker for the trajectory (for rviz)

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/visualization_marker_robot ([visualization_msgs/Marker]) Visualization marker for the robot (for rviz)

  • A TransformBroadcaster ([Frame: /xx:xx Parent: /paper_world]) Broadcasts the robots position, each time it is changed (as a slot for the signal poseChanged)

Subscribed Topics

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/Set_Visual_Effect ([ros_cellulo/cellulo_visual_effect]) Sets the visual effect of the robot.

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/Reset ([std_msgs/Empty]) Resets the robot

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/setGoalVelocity ([geometry_msgs::Vector3]) Follow a given direction with a given speed (i.e. sets Vx and Vy)

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/Shutdown ([std_msgs/Empty]) Shuts down the robot

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/ClearTracking ([std_msgs/Empty]) Clears the pose/position/velocity/trajectory goals

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/ClearHapticFeedback ([std_msgs/Empty]) Clears the haptic feedback

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/vibrateOnMotion ([ros_cellulo/cellulo_vibrateOnMotion]) Sets the vibration on motion with iCoef for a given period

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/setGestureEnabled ([std_msgs/Bool]) Sets setGestureEnabled

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/setCasualBackdriveAssistEnabled ([std_msgs/Bool]) Sets setCasualBackdriveAssistEnabled


  • get_state ([ros_cellulo/CelluloState])

    Returns the state of the robot: - pose (x,y,theta), veclocities (Vx,Vy,w) , Kidnapped state, KeysTouched, KeysLongTouched.


  • scale (string, default: 1)

    The scale used: scale =1 means the position unit is mm, scale=0.001 means unit is in meters.

type: ros_cellulo_sensor

Published Topics

  • /cellulo_node_xx_xx/sensor ([ros_cellulo_swarm/ros_cellulo_sensor]) includes: 1) detected_robots:Number of detected robots, 2) relative_positions: array of relative positions of the detected robots, 3) distances: array of the distances to the detected robots.

Subscribed Topics

  • /sensor_node_sensor_xx_xx/setThreshold ([std_msgs/Floats64]) Sets the detection threshold.


  • cellulo_num (int, default: 1) indicating which robot to consider from the list.

  • threshold (string, default: 1) for the detection threshold

To use QT Creator as IDE :

  • 1- open qt Creator
  • 2- File -> Open file or project
  • 3- Choose catkin_ws/src/ros_cellulo/CmakeLists.txt
  • 4- Go to Projects tab, change the build directory to catkin_ws/build/ros_cellulo
  • 5- Make sure that the cmake prefix path is defined as:
    CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /opt/Qt/5.11.1/gcc_64;/opt/ros/kinetic/;/home/user/catkin_ws/devel/
  • 6- Now you can run the cmake/build/ and debug in Qt Creator


Starting packages for the Cellulo Swarm Robotic Practical






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