This plugin implements all the features I wanted to see in Notepad++ for years, plus some more.
Implemented so far:
- Proper new line inside CommentDoc/DocBlock for C, C++, Javascript, PHP
- Proper new line for # comment in Ruby
- Indent after opening curly brace for C-like languages, CSS and proper indenting for closing curly brace
- Delete current line keeping the column
- Undo closed tab
- Switching tabs with ALT + LEFT/RIGHT
- Wrap selection with Open/Close tag
- Url encode/decode selection
- Autoclose embeded script tags for ruby and php (<% | <?)
- Column ruler
- Indent after opened tag - XML, HTML and PHP
- Close last open tag
- Autonumbering inside CommentDoc/DocBlock and # comment
- Indent after instruction for Ruby - module|class|def|do|if|else|elsif|private
- Match "end" indentation for Ruby
- Autocomplete CommentDoc/DocBlock keywords
- Peek CSS hex colors
- Scroll past end of file
- Convert leading TABS to Spaces and reverse
- Paste indented
- Double click edit tag