We grow Charlotte's tech community by bringing people together.
Developers for now (hence the name), but we welcome anyone that wants to join the community.
One word: interactions.
The more interactions people create with each other, the more the sense of community will build.
While other meetup groups in Charlotte are focused on discussing and improving knowledge and skill in a particular area, we focus on interactions.
focus groups = learning
cltdevs = interactions
We encourage the interactions to be ongoing. That's why we have Slack and host regular networking events called "Slack IRL". In addition to networking events, we also host "Meetup Mashups" where we coordinate multiple focus groups to come together and share diverse knowledge.
cltdevs has the potential to centralize resources via corporate sponsorships. We can use these resources to host events that individual focus groups could not do by themselves, such as a Slack IRL at a brewery with free beer and food or a conference.
- conferences
- procedures on how we host social events (sponsorship, neutral location)
- requirements for leadership/admin positions