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@charliemikels charliemikels released this 20 May 01:28
· 32 commits to main since this release

Mini update: Slow mode

By default, the script is well under the technical ping limit. However under some circumstances, the Figura will still send a "Ping too large" error. (Anecdotally, this appears to happen when the client runs at <20 TPS, when there are several avatars loaded, when another part of your avatar sends a lot of pings, or when the backend is under heavy load.)

Slow mode makes all pings sent by the script smaller and less frequent. This gives the pings system even more headroom, and it reduces the likelihood of dropped pings.

Activate slow mode by right clicking the song list (while not playing a song). A message will appear in the song picker telling you if you're in slow mode. Right click the song list again to return to the default ping settings.