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Tychus: A tool to characterize the bacterial genome.

Table of Contents




Run a Test


Example Usage





Tychus is a tool that allows researchers to perform massively parallel sequence data analysis with the goal of producing a high confidence and comprehensive description of the bacterial genome. Key features of the Tychus pipeline include the assembly, annotation, and phylogenetic inference of large numbers of WGS isolates in parallel using open-source bioinformatics tools and virtualization technology. The Tychus pipeline relies on two methods to characterize your bacterial sequence data.

The first method is assembly based. The assembly module attempts to produce a comprehensive reconstruction of the genome by relying on the results of multiple de novo genome assemblies through the use of multiple assemblers. These assemblies are then used to produce a hybrid or consensus assembly with fewer and longer contigs that can be used as a draft genome for further downstream processes such as annotation, a process by which genomic features of interest are identified and appropriately labelled. Assemblies are then evaluated based on common scoring metrics, such as number of contigs, contig size, and N50.

The second method is alignment based. The alignment module attempts to produce a thorough description of your bacterial sequence data by identifying related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the goal of producing SNP phylogenies that can aid in inferring the relatedness and origin of your samples. In addition, information about the types of genes, whether they be antimicrobial, virulence, or plasmids are also identified and can be used for further analysis and interrogation.

These two modules are not completely independent. Contigs produced from the assembly module can be used as input to the alignment module. In addition to the user-input reference genome and raw read sequences, these draft genomes can be used by the module's downstream processes to identify SNPs and build phylogenetic trees.


Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • 16+ gigabytes (GB) of RAM.
  • 125+ gigabytes of hard drive (HDD) space.

The Tychus pipeline is intended to be utilized on Linux servers with large amounts of RAM and disk space with multiple computing cores. The requirements listed above are a must for demonstration purposes.

Software Requirements

  • Java 7+
  • Docker
    • Windows users should download the Stable channel release.
    • MAC users should download the Stable channel release.
    • Linux users can download the most appropriate version for their Linux distribution.

To check your Java version, type the following command into a terminal:

$ java -version


Install Nextflow

Open a terminal and type the following commands (omitting the '$' sign):

$ mkdir tychus
$ cd tychus/
$ curl -fsSL | bash
$ ./nextflow

If installing Nextflow behind a proxy server, you may encounter the following error message:

$ Unable to initialize nextflow environment

In this case, you can type the following commands to obtain the Nextflow executable.

$ wget -O nextflow
$ chmod u+x nextflow
$ ./nextflow

Add To Path

Add the Nextflow executable to your system path. You can accomplish this by typing one of the two commands:

$ mv nextflow /usr/local/bin


$ export PATH=$PATH:$PWD

Install Tychus Pipeline

The Tychus pipeline can be pulled and installed from Github with the following command:

$ git clone
$ cd Tychus/

Install Docker Images

Depending on which Tychus module you would like to run, you will need to download the appropriate Docker image in order to resolve the module's tool dependencies. These can be easilly downloaded by typing the following command(s):

$ docker pull abdolab/tychus-alignment
$ docker pull abdolab/tychus-assembly

The download time will take between 5 and 10 minutes depending on your connection speed.

Run a Test

It is recommended that you run these tests for both the alignment and assembly modules before doing any large-scale analysis. This serves the purpose of getting you comfortable with running each Tychus module, as well as providing you with real output, which you can look back upon later when you get to the Results section. The reads used in each test were produced with Art, an artificial read simulator, and constructed with 10x-15x coverage.

Alignment Module

Included in the alignment module is a small E. coli reference database as well as three paired read files. These are used by default when running data through this module. To get started, run the following command within the nextflow-tychus/ directory:

$ nextflow -profile alignment --threads 2 --output my_alignment_output

Results should be produced shortly, and you will see the following message:

Nextflow Version:	0.23.0
Command Line:		nextflow run -profile alignment --threads 2 --output my_alignment_output
Container:			abdolab/tychus-alignment
Duration:			2m 28s
Output Directory:	/home/username/nextflow-tychus/my_alignment_output

Assembly Module

Included in the assembly module is a reference to the simulated reads mentioned above. You will not need to specify the location of any reads in this example. To get started, run the following command within the nextflow-tychus/ directory:

$ nextflow -profile assembly --threads 2 --output my_assembly_output

Since we are doing de novo assemblies, this could take a while, but hopefully not too long! When everything is said and done, you should see the following message:

Nextflow Version:       0.23.0
Command Line:           nextflow run -profile assembly --threads 2 --output my_assembly_output
Container:              abdolab/tychus-assembly
Duration:               5m 37s
Output Directory:       /home/username/nextflow-tychus/my_assembly_output

See below for a list of available options included in each Tychus module.

Pipeline Options

To view available pipeline options for each of the Tychus modules, you can type the following command(s) into a terminal:

Alignment Module

$ nextflow run --help

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 0.23.0
Launching `` [tender_wing] - revision: aa90f777d3

Tychus - Alignment Pipeline

    nextflow -profile alignment [options]

General Options: 
    --read_pairs      DIR		Directory of paired FASTQ files
    --genome          FILE		Path to the FASTA formatted reference database
    --amr_db          FILE		Path to the FASTA formatted resistance database
    --vf_db           FILE		Path to the FASTA formatted virulence database
    --plasmid_db      FILE		Path to the FASTA formatted plasmid database
    --threads         INT		Number of threads to use for each process
    --out_dir         DIR		Directory to write output files to

Trimmomatic Options: 
    --leading         INT		Remove leading low quality or N bases
    --trailing        INT		Remove trailing low quality or N bases
    --slidingwindow   INT		Scan read with a sliding window
    --minlen          INT		Drop reads below INT bases long
    --adapters        FILE		FASTA formatted adapter sequences

kSNP Options: 
    --ML              BOOL		Estimate maximum likelihood tree
    --NJ              BOOL		Estimate neighbor joining tree
    --min_frac        DECIMAL	Minimum fraction of genomes with locus
    --draft           DIR		Path to the FASTA formatted draft genomes

Figtree Options: 
    --JPEG            BOOL		Convert newick tree to annotated JPEG
    --PDF             BOOL		Convert newick tree to annotated PDF
    --PNG             BOOL		Convert newick tree to annotated PNG
    --SVG             BOOL		Convert newick tree to annotated SVG

Assembly Module

$ nextflow run --help

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 0.23.0
Launching `` [sleepy_bohr] - revision: 05adc382a5

Tychus - Assembly Pipeline

    nextflow -profile assembly [options]

General Options: 
    --read_pairs      DIR		Directory of paired FASTQ files
    --threads         INT       Number of threads to use for each process
    --output          DIR       Directory to write output files to

Trimmomatic Options: 
    --leading         INT		Remove leading low quality or N bases
    --trailing        INT		Remove trailing low quality or N bases
    --slidingwindow   STR		Scan read with a sliding window
    --minlen          INT		Drop reads below INT bases long
    --adapters        FILE		FASTA formatted adapter sequences	
Prokka Options:
    --genus           STR		Target genus
    --species         STR		Target species

Example Usage

Some pipeline options can be used by both Tychus modules. Example usages for identical parameters are provided side-by-side where applicable.


The most useful command for both modules will be to read in your sequence data. With Nextflow, we can specify a command line glob to provide a directory of FASTQ files as input. Doing so will allow Nextflow to process data in parallel, using multiple processors. For example, a typical command may look like the following:

$ nextflow -profile alignment --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz"


$ nextflow -profile assembly --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz"

Here, we are using the * wildcard to grab all files within the tutorial/raw_sequence_data/ directory. The {1,2} wildcards allows us to further group the files based on the presence of an _R1 or _R2 substring. What is returned is a sorted list of files that Nextflow can group together and process appropriately.

Trimmomatic Operations

Trimmomatic comes with four FASTA formatted adapter files (NexteraPE-PE.fa, TruSeq2-PE.fa, TruSeq3-PE.fa, TruSeq3-PE-2.fa). To remove adapter specific sequences or modify the default trimming operations, you can enter the following command:

$ nextflow -profile alignment --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --leading 5 --trailing 5 --slidingwindow 5:16 --minlen 45 --adapters NexteraPE-PE.fa


$ nextflow -profile assembly --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --leading 5 --trailing 5 --slidingwindow 5:16 --minlen 45 --adapters NexteraPE-PE.fa

kSNP Operations

By default, maximum likelihood (ML) trees are computed with kSNP. Although this is the recommended tree format to produce, you can specify the neighbor joining (NJ) method by including the --NJ option. Furthermore, you can enter a decimal number between 0 and 1 specifying the fraction of loci that must be present in all genomes to be included in the resulting SNP phylogeny.

$ nextflow -profile alignment --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --NJ --min_frac 0.85

In addition, SNPs and SNP phylogenies can be built from draft genomes.

$ nextflow -profile alignment --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --draft "draft/*.fa"

Figtree Options

By deafult the SNP phylogenies produced by kSNP are written to a Newick formatted .tre file. Figtree is used to produce phylogenies in the image format of your choosing. By default, SNP phylognies are annotated and saved as PNG images. To change this, simply specify an alternative image format (JPEG,PDF,SVG).

$ nextflow -profile alignment --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --JPEG

Prokka Options

We allow users to annotate contigs using BLAST specific databases. To do this, you must specify both the genus and species parameters. The default annotation method is to not use a BLAST specific database.

$ nextflow -profile assembly --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --genus Listeria --species monocytogenes

Database Options

To include an alternative reference, virulence, plasmid, or resistance database, you can do that as well.

$ nextflow -profile alignment --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --ref_db "path/to/your/reference/db/ref.fa" --vf_db "path/to/your/virulence/db/vf.fa" --plasmid_db "path/to/your/plasmid/db/plasmid.fa" --amr_db "path/to/your/resistance/db/resistance.fa"

Other Options

Here are some more options. The threads parameter allows you to control how many threads each process will use. By default, this value is set to 1. The output directory allows you to specify where outputs will be stored.

$ nextflow -profile alignment --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --threads 4 --output dir


$ nextflow -profile assembly --read_pairs "tutorial/raw_sequence_data/*_R{1,2}_001.fq.gz" --threads 4 --output dir


Alignment Module

Directory Description
Alignment Contains all BAM formatted alignment files produced by the alignment of reads against the user-input reference, plasmid, resistance, and virulence databases.
Consensus Contains all FASTA formatted consensus sequences produced by the VCF formatted SNPs called by FreeBayes.
PreProcessing Contains all FASTQ formatted trimmed sequence files produced by Trimmomatic.
Resistome Contains all TSV formatted resistome files.
SNPsAndPhylogenies Contains all SNPs and Newick formatted Phylogenies produced by kSNP3. The SNP files can be found in the SNPs/ subdirectory. The Newick formatted phylogenies can be found in the Trees/ directory. The Newick formatted image files can be found in the TreeImages/ directory.

Assembly Module

Directory Description
AbyssContigs Contains all FASTA formatted contigs produced by the Abyss assembler.
IDBAContigs Contains all FASTA formatted contigs produced by the IDBA-UD assembler.
SPAdesContigs Contains all FASTA formatted contigs produced by the SPAdes assembler.
VelvetContigs Contains all FASTA formatted contigs produced by the Velvet assembler.
IntegratedContigs Contains all super assembly contigs produced by the CISA contig integrator.
AnnotatedContigs Contains all annotation files produced by Prokka.
AssemblyReport Contains all assembly evaulation files produced by QUAST.
PreProcessing Contains all FASTQ formatted trimmed sequence files produced by Trimmomatic.


Tychus utilizes a number of open-source bioinformatics tools to run. Please click on the tool names below to learn more about each tool. Keep in mind that all of these dependencies are resolved by Docker.

Software Function
Abyss Used to produce assembly contigs.
BCFtools Used to generate consensus sequences from VCF formatted SNPs.
Bowtie2 Used to align short fragments of DNA to a reference genome.
CISA Used to integrate assembly contigs into a super assembly.
CSA Used to generate coverage statistics from a sample of alignments.
Docker Software containerization platform used to resolve the dependencies listed here.
Figtree Used to create images from Newick formatted phylogenies.
IDBA-UD Used to produce assembly contigs.
KmerGenie Used for optimizing chosen values of k (kmer) for non-iterative genome assemblers.
kSNP3 Used to generate SNPs and SNP phylogenies.
Nextflow Used as the backend framework for the Tychus pipeline.
Prokka Used to identify genomic features of interest.
QUAST Used for the evaluation and interrogation of assembly contigs.
Samtools Used for manipulating SAM/BAM formatted alignment files.
SPAdes Used to produce assembly contigs.
Trimmomatic Used for the removal of adapter sequences and low quality base pairs.
Velvet Used to produce assembly contigs.


Questions, bugs, or feature requests should be directed to Chris Dean at cdean11 AT rams DOT colostate DOT edu. Alternatively, you can Submit an Issue on Github.


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