- This program implements a lightweight Twitter app that can be used on the command line. This app allows you to create an account, view tweets, search for friends, and write tweets yourself!
- The main goal behind this project was to implement various data structures and algorithms, that could support a program like Twitter. In this program, we implemented a Hashtable, merge sort, and insertion sort from scratch.
- The hashtable was primarily used as the database for the app, as hashtables can store data in a relational manner. We needed a way to associate users with their tweets, followers, and password.
- The two sorting algorithms are used to sort the tweets on the users feed, based on a score given to those tweets. We implemented both, so that we can use insertion sort when the dataset is smaller, and we can also use merge sort when our dataset is larger.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/cezar-r/twittercli
- Navigate into directory
cd twittercli/src
- Compile all java files
javac *.java
- Run the program
java Main
- Testing
java Test
- The app will start in the main() call by initializing the
, where it will display the option to login/signup. The terminal output should look like something below. Would be cool to add some ascii art as well:
Welcome to Twitter CLI!
Login [1]
Signup [2]
Exit [Any key]
- Where the code underneath would look something like:
public static void run() {
option = input("Login[1]\n...");
switch (opton):
case 1 -> loginPage();
case 2 -> signupPage();
- When the user logs in, it will check if the password matches with the one in the database. If the user signs up, it will create a new user in the database.
- Once this is done, it will preload 50 tweets for the feed.
public static List<Tweet> findRelevantTweets() {
List<Tweet> tweets = new List<Tweet>();
// get 3 tweets from each follower
// find 5 most relevant unknowns
// add 1 tweet from each relevant person
// add 1 retweet where your follower retweeted a relevant unknown
// fill rest with random
// shuffle it slightly
return tweets;
- The home page should then display each tweet from this list of tweets, with options to go to the next tweet, previous tweet, retweet, as well as navigation to other screens:
Tweet content goes here and we should
try to format it so it wraps around like
4-4-2023 1:08 PM
Prev[1] Next[2] Retweet[3]
Home[#] Search[s] Tweet[d] Profile[f]
- The search page will allow the user to type in a username, which will then display a profile page
Profile - @username
30 Tweets 20 Followers 24 Following
View Tweets[2]
View Followers[3]
View Following[4]
Home[a] Search[#] Tweet[d] Profile[f]
- The tweet page will let the user tweet
Write a tweet (hit ENTER when done):
Home[a] Search[s] Tweet[#] Profile[f]
- The profile page will display the profile page of the current user
Profile - @username
30 Tweets 20 Followers 24 Following
View Tweets[1]
View Followers[2]
View Following[3]
Home[a] Search[s] Tweet[d] Profile[#]