REST API File Uploader for Joplin
Joplin client will need Webclipper service enabled.
- Go to Tools -> Web Clipper Options -> Enable Web Clipper Service
2018-09-24 This program was created to upload files from a folder specified in the PATH variable to Joplin. The following resource was helpful in figuring out the logic for Watchdog:
Tested with the following extensions: .md .txt .pdf .png .jpg .url .csv
Caveat: Uploader only triggered upon new file creation, not modification
In order for OCR text recognition to work, you'll need to download and install Tesseract. Windows systems may require that you add a path variable in order for it to work.
Poppler is required for PDF processing. For Windows, download x86 binary and add to environment path.
Launch using the executable rest_uploader, specify the monitoring path as an argument. You'll need your Joplin API key the first time you launch. If your API key changes or gets pasted incorrectly, delete the .api_token.txt file that gets stored to the package.
rest_uploader /path/to/directory
To launch as python module:
python -m rest_uploader.cli /path/to/directory
Version 0.4.0 added language support via Tesseract (check Tesseract docs). To enable, use the cli -l or --language argument.
The following example will OCR text using the German dictionary:
rest_uploader /path/to/directory --language ger
By default notes will be dropped into a notebook called "inbox". Specify a different upload notebook by specifying a destination from the command line using -d or --destination
rest_uploader will fail if the specified notebook does not exist I am guessing if you have two notebooks with the same name, it will dump new notes in the first one it finds.
Default server = To specify a different server, use the -s or --server cli option
Default port = 41184 To specify a different port, use the -p or --port cli option
Default autotagging behavior = yes
To turn off autotagging, use the -t or --autotag option
rest_uploader /path/to/directory -t no
It doesn't matter if the options are before or after the path. Path is mandatory, though.
The following example will upload newly created notes to the Taxes Notebook, and OCR in German:
rest_uploader -d "Taxes" -l ger /path/to/directory
Added autorotation switch to turn off if this behavior is not wanted. By default, after performing OCR, the application will rotate the image according to how the OCR was able to detect text. Turn this off using the -r command line switch:
rest_uploader -r no /path/to/directory
Added moveto option to specify a directory in which to place processed files. Use the -o option to specify a moveto directory By default this is off but in the background it uses the operating system's temp directory as a placeholder for the option to indicate "off" since the option requires a valid path. Do not attempt to use the OS temp dir as a moveto directory. Example of using the option:
rest_uploader /path/to/directory -o /path/to/moveto/directory