This repository houses the raw data and processing scripts to create the hourly load time series by Balancing Authority for the nuclear project. Data are scaled to match the 2030 annual total loads data by BA. 2030 loads were shared by Kostas on 2-Feb 2024. The future loads for different weather years are based on the Total ELectricity Loads (TELL) model.
The input data needed to recreate this process is stored in the data directory.
The output of this processing is stored in the data directory with the filenames "TELL_Loads_2030_Based_on_YYYY_Weather_With_Climate_Change.csv".
Quick-look plots analyzing the data are stored in the plots directory.
Any use of this data in a publication, presentation, or report should use the following citations. Please contact Casey Burleyson ([email protected]) prior to any reuse of the data.
Citation for the TELL model
McGrath et al., (2022). tell: a Python package to model future total electricity loads in the United States. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(79), 4472,
Citation for the underlying weather data
Burleyson, C., Thurber, T., & Vernon, C. (2023). Projections of Hourly Meteorology by Balancing Authority Based on the IM3/HyperFACETS Thermodynamic Global Warming (TGW) Simulations (v1.0.0) [Data set]. MSD-LIVE Data Repository.
Jones, A. D., Rastogi, D., Vahmani, P., Stansfield, A., Reed, K., Thurber, T., Ullrich, P., & Rice, J. S. (2022). IM3/HyperFACETS Thermodynamic Global Warming (TGW) Simulation Datasets (v1.0.0) [Data set]. MSD-LIVE Data Repository.
- Loads in CISO, IPCO, NEVP, and PACE are modeled as a whole in TELL but are separated in GridView. To create the data for these BAs I used the whole load simulated by TELL and distributed it to the subregions within the BA using the annual total load in each subregion to portion out the TELL loads.
- The BAs in Canada (AESO and BCHA) and Mexico (CFE) are not modeled by TELL. The time-series for those BAs are the same as those in the original GridView file. Likewise, there are no values for TH_Malin, TH_Mead, and TH_PV.
🟢 = Matched with no issue
🟡 = Caution advised
🔴 = No match
GV BA | TELL BA | Matched? | Notes |
AESO | - | 🔴 | BA is in Canada |
AVA | AVA | 🟢 | - |
AZPS | AZPS | 🟢 | - |
BANC | BANC | 🟢 | - |
BCHA | - | 🔴 | BA is in Canada |
BPAT | BPAT | 🟢 | - |
CFE | - | 🔴 | BA is in Mexico |
CHPD | CHPD | 🟢 | - |
CIPB | CISO | 🟡 | Subregion of CISO |
CIPV | CISO | 🟡 | Subregion of CISO |
CISC | CISO | 🟡 | Subregion of CISO |
CISD | CISO | 🟡 | Subregion of CISO |
DOPD | DOPD | 🟢 | - |
EPE | EPE | 🟢 | - |
GCPD | GCPD | 🟢 | - |
IID | IID | 🟢 | - |
IPFE | IPCO | 🟡 | Subregion of IPCO |
IPMV | IPCO | 🟡 | Subregion of IPCO |
IPTV | IPCO | 🟡 | Subregion of IPCO |
LDWP | LDWP | 🟢 | - |
NEVP | NEVP | 🟡 | Subregion of NEVP |
NWMT | MWMT | 🟢 | - |
PACW | PACW | 🟢 | - |
PAID | PACE | 🟡 | Subregion of PACE |
PAUT | PACE | 🟡 | Subregion of PACE |
PAWY | PACE | 🟡 | Subregion of PACE |
PGE | PGE | 🟢 | - |
PNM | PNM | 🟢 | - |
PSCO | PSCO | 🟢 | - |
PSEI | PSEI | 🟢 | - |
SCL | SCL | 🟢 | - |
SPCC | NEVP | 🟡 | Subregion of NEVP |
SRP | SRP | 🟢 | - |
TEPC | TEPC | 🟢 | - |
TH Malin | - | 🔴 | No match and no loads in original GridView data |
TH Mead | - | 🔴 | No match and no loads in original GridView data |
TH PV | - | 🔴 | No match and no loads in original GridView data |
TIDC | TIDC | 🟢 | - |
TPWR | TPWR | 🟢 | - |
VEA | CISO | 🟡 | Subregion of CISO |
WACM | WACM | 🟢 | - |
WALC | WALC | 🟢 | - |
WAUW | WAUW | 🟢 | - |