Integration tests for cardano-node.
# create and activate virtual env
$ python3 -m venv .env
$ . .env/bin/activate
# install this package together with dev requirements
$ make install
Running tests:
# cd to cardano-node repo
$ cd /path/to/cardano-node
# update and checkout the desired commit/tag
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master
$ git fetch --all --tags
$ git checkout tags/<tag>
# launch devops shell
$ nix-shell -A devops
# cd to tests repo
$ cd /path/to/cardano-node-tests
# activate virtual env
$ . .env/bin/activate
# run tests
$ make tests
Running linter:
# activate virtual env
$ . .env/bin/activate
# run linter
$ make lint
- specifies path to file where log messages for tests and cluster instance scheduler are storedPYTEST_ARGS
- specifies additional arguments for pytestTEST_THREADS
- specifies number of pytest workersCLUSTER_ERA
- cluster era for cardano node - used for selecting correct cluster start scriptTX_ERA
- era for transactions - can be used for creating Shelley-era transactions on Allegra era
$ SCHEDULING_LOG=testrun_20201208_1.log TEST_THREADS=3 CLUSTER_ERA=allegra TX_ERA=shelley PYTEST_ARGS="-k 'test_stake_pool_low_cost or test_reward_amount'" make tests
To get test coverage of cardano-cli commands, run tests as usual (make tests
) and generate the coverage report JSON file with
$ ./ -i .cli_coverage/cli_coverage_*.json -o .cli_coverage/coverage_report.json
Clone and see its README.
To build documentation using Sphinx, run
$ make doc
The documentation is generated to docs/build/html
To publish documentation to, run:
# checkout the "test_reports" branch
$ git checkout test_reports
# copy/move content of docs/build/html to docs
$ mv docs/build/html/* docs/
# stage changes
$ git add docs
# commit changes
$ git commit
# push to origin/test_reports (upstream/test_reports)
$ git push origin/test_reports
Install this package and its dependencies as described above.
Run pre-commit install
to set up the git hook scripts that will check you changes before every commit. Alternatively run make lint
manually before pushing your changes.
Follow the Google Python Style Guide, with the exception that formatting is handled automatically by Black (through pre-commit