- Execute the following commands
docker build -t c/cassandra ./fiel/cassandra
docker build -t c/ingestor ./ingestor
docker build -t c/api ./api
- Run a Cassandra container
docker run --rm -d
--name cassandra-1
-e CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS=host.docker.internal
-p 7000:7000
-p 9042:9042
-v cdata-ingestor:/var/lib/cassandra
-v clogs-ingestor:/var/log/cassandra
-v %cd%:/work
- Execute cqlsh in Cassandra's container
docker exec -it cassandra-1 cqlsh
- Create Ingestor's keyspace
WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
- Create table comando_por_owner
CREATE TABLE ingestor.comandos_por_owner (
tags text,
version int,
owner text,
id int,
PRIMARY KEY ((owner), id)
- Create test table that saves all commands
CREATE TABLE ingestor.comandos_por_owner_teste (
particao int,
offset int,
tags text,
version int,
owner text,
id int,
PRIMARY KEY ((owner), id, version)
- Create test table that saves all owners
CREATE TABLE ingestor.owners (
particao int,
owner text,
PRIMARY KEY ((particao), owner)
- Run Ingestor container
docker run --rm -it -v %cd%/ingestor:/work -w /work --name ingestor c/ingestor bash
- Command that creates a kafka consumer on test mode
lein run teste
- Command that creates a consumer in production mode
lein run prd
- Run API container
docker run --rm -it -v %cd%/api:/work -w /work --name api -p 3000:3000 c/api lein repl
- Initialize API server on 3000
(def s (start))
- Command to stop API server
(stop s)
- The API Request must have the following format in its body:
"Owner": "owner1", <- Mandatory
"Filters": { <- Optional
"Tags": [