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2020 Retrospective

Cal Smith edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 4 revisions

A look back at 2020 in Carbon Angular

Some numbers:

  • 340 PRs merged closing 270 issues
  • 492 commits by 25 contributors

Key updates:

  • v4 was released with Ivy and Angular 9 support
  • Angular 10 support
  • Splitting the library into one entry point per-component
    • old: import { DropdownModule } from "carbon-components-angular";
    • new: import { DropdownModule } from "carbon-components-angular/dropdown";
    • Both old a new forms are supported, but the new form should help the compiler removed unused code
  • A brand new documentation site was released:
  • IconModule - a new, more bundle efficient way to use icons:
  • A major refactor to @carbon/icons-angular, including releasing v11 and the experimental v12
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