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COAL Website

This repository contains the source code of the Coal and Open-pit surface mining impacts on American Lands (COAL) website.

Community and Development

Read about our team to contact us or learn more.

Issue Tracker

Request improvements to the COAL website on the issue tracker.


The COAL website is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, a copy of which ships with this source code.


The COAL website is developed locally with Jekyll, "a simple, blog-aware, static site generator." Jekyll depends on Ruby and RubyGems.

Install Jekyll with gem install jekyll. It may be necessary to add to the $PATH environment variable like export PATH=~/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin:$PATH. On Debian 9 it may be installed from the package jekyll.

Use jekyll serve --drafts to host the site at http://localhost:4000, regenerating it whenever files change and displaying drafts. Simply edit the site and reload it in a web browser to view changes. Posts can be drafted in the _drafts directory and published in the _posts directory.

Consult the Jekyll documentation for details on installation, editing, and configuration.


Commit changes to the master branch on GitHub to deploy the site to using GitHub Pages. The site can also be configured for preview on an external repository.