The ros2 folder takes two input array in std_msgs/Int32MultiArray type and output a merged array in std_msgs/Int32MultiArray type.
For some reason git thinks the src file is a submodule, and I wasn't able to turn the src folder back into a folder after trying git rm --cache src and deleting the .git directory in the src directory. Therefore after cloning the project, you need to run the folloing commands
rm -rf ros2_ws/src
mv src ros2_ws/src
The Approach I took on this project was to create two subscriber and one publisher in one node. The two subscriber are responsible for getting the message from the two topics for input, then we can merge the two input arrays and turn it into a new one.
colcon build --packages-select merge_arrays
ros2 run merge_arrays merge_arrays_node
ros2 topic pub /input/array1 std_msgs/msg/Int32MultiArray "{data: [3,9,18,20,30], layout: {dim:[]}}"
ros2 topic pub /input/array2 std_msgs/msg/Int32MultiArray "{data: [1,4,8,12,36], layout: {dim:[]}}"