Release 3.0.0
This is a refactory of PHP Swagger to split in two different classes the Swagger and OpenApi classes.
The main changes are:
- Separation of the OpenApi 3.0 code from Swagger 2.0 code;
- Renamed namespace from \ByJG\Swagger to \ByJG\ApiTools
- Added a Factory to Schema in order to detect automatically what specification is.
- Added the nullable to OpenApi specification
- removed setUp() from ApiTestCase class to make it compatible with all PHPUnit versions. issue #44
- Optional HTTP transport make it possible mock the HTTP Requests #41
- You can create a Swagger/OpenApi instance from an array. It make possible you use external YAML parser #43
- Some small issues #42
- Some code cleanup.
This is a break change feature, so it is necessary bump the major version.
Thank you to all contributors to this release :)