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This project hosts a server with a front end which can be used to build BTCPay Server plugins and store the binaries on some storage. You can find our live server on, that is updated through btcpayserver-infra repository.


It assumes you installed docker on your system.


All parameters are configured via environment variables.

  • PB_POSTGRES: Connection to a postgres database (example: User ID=postgres;Include Error Detail=true;Host=;Port=61932;Database=btcpayplugin)
  • PB_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING: Connection string to azure storage to store build results (example: BlobEndpoint=;AccountName=satoshi;AccountKey=Rxb41pUHRe+ibX5XS311tjXpjvu7mVi2xYJvtmq1j2jlUpN+fY/gkzyBMjqwzgj42geXGdYSbPEcu5i5wjSjPw==)
  • PB_CHEAT_MODE: If set to true, it's considered that the server is running in a development environment and will allow to bypass some security checks (right now only registering admin account).
  • ASPNETCORE_URLS: The url the web server will be listening (example:
  • PB_DATADIR: Where some persistent data get saved (example: /datadir)


Public/Unauthenticated endpoints

Get published versions

HTTP GET /api/v1/plugins?btcpayVersion=

List the published versions of the server compatible with btcpayVersion. (optionally include includePreRelease)

If includeAllVersions is set to true, all versions will be returned, otherwise only the latest version for each plugin will be returned.

Download a version

HTTP GET /api/v1/plugins/{pluginSelector}/versions/{version}

Download the binaries of the plugin.

pluginSelector can be either a plugin slug (example: rockstar-stylist) or a plugin identifier surrounded by brackets (example: [BTCPayServer.Plugins.RockstarStylist]).

Authenticated endpoints

The following endpoints require HTTP Basic Auth. Use your login email and password to provide the HTTP Authorization header like this: Authorization: Basic {credentials}, where {credentials} is the base64 encoded form of email:password (note the : as delimiter). See the cURL examples below.

Get build details

HTTP GET /api/v1/plugins/{pluginSelector}/builds/{buildId}

Get the details for a specific plugin build.

Sample cURL request:

curl --user "$EMAIL:$PASSWORD" -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Sample response:

    "projectSlug": "lnbank",
    "buildId": 8,
    "buildInfo": {
        "gitRepository": "",
        "gitRef": "v1.5.1",
        "pluginDir": "BTCPayServer.Plugins.LNbank",
        "gitCommit": "4f0548cbc22d5a91493ef9a42db41a066251622a",
        "gitCommitDate": "2023-05-18T21:46:37+02:00",
        "buildDate": "2023-05-23T18:02:06+02:00",
        "buildHash": "c63a96792aafc80bedb067cd554667cfbd235cadb43aeceda39166c8018b6001",
        "url": "",
        "error": null,
        "buildConfig": "Release",
        "assemblyName": "BTCPayServer.Plugins.LNbank",
        "additionalObjects": null
    "manifestInfo": {
        "identifier": "BTCPayServer.Plugins.LNbank",
        "name": "LNbank",
        "version": "1.5.1",
        "description": "Use the BTCPay Server Lightning node in custodial mode and give users access via custodial layer 3 wallets.",
        "systemPlugin": false,
        "dependencies": [
                "identifier": "BTCPayServer",
                "condition": ">=1.9.0"
    "createdDate": "2023-05-23T16:01:26.949327+00:00",
    "downloadLink": "",
    "published": true,
    "prerelease": false,
    "commit": "4f0548cb",
    "repository": "",
    "gitRef": "v1.5.1"

Create a new build

HTTP POST /api/v1/plugins/{pluginSelector}/builds

Create a new build by specifying the gitRepository (required), gitRef (optional, default: master), pluginDirectory (optional) and buildConfig (optional, default: Release).

Sample cURL request:

curl --user "$EMAIL:$PASSWORD" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d "{'gitRepository': '', 'gitRef': 'v1.5.1', 'pluginDirectory': 'BTCPayServer.Plugins.LNbank' }" \

Sample response:

    "pluginSlug": "lnbank",
    "buildId": 12,
    "buildUrl": ""