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Benchmark MIL

PyTorch implementation for Benchmarking MIL for WSI Classification within a single framework


  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04.6
  • 2 NVIDIA A100 GPUs (40GB each)
  • CUDA version: 12.2
  • Python version: 3.12.2


Install Anaconda
Create a new environment and activate it

conda create --name benchmark_mil python==3.12.2
conda activate benchmark_mil
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
python -m pip install opencv-contrib-python pytorch-lightning==2.0.2 torchmetrics==0.11.4 pytorch_optimizer pandas wandb tqdm timm==0.9.16 jpeg4py hydra-core omegaconf future nystrom-attention==0.0.9 joblib scikit-learn git+

Dataset Preparation

Below is an example of using the TCGA NSCLC (Lung Cancer) dataset provided by DSMIL. The dataset can be downloaded from this link

We stratified a 10% sample from the training to create validation while keeping the test untouched. The structure of the dataset after splitting it into data types (e.g., train, val, test) and classes (e.g., LUAD, LUSC) is as follows:

Folder structure
├── tcga_nsclc/
    ├── patch/
        ├── train/
            ├── LUAD/
                ├── TCGA-4B-A93V-01Z-00-DX1/
                    ├── TCGA-4B-A93V-01Z-00-DX1_x1_y1.jpg
                    ├── TCGA-4B-A93V-01Z-00-DX1_x2_y2.jpg
                ├── ...
            ├── LUSC/
                ├── ...

        ├── val/
            ├── ...

        ├── test/
            ├── ...

Note: If one wants to use another dataset, it is necessary to define the name of the dataset and specify the class names inside dataset/

Merge Patches

To reduce the loading time of many patches, we merge X patches (default:200) vertically into a single image and save it in .jpg or .png format. The merging process is performed paralell using the joblib package

Example usage:

python --config-name --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --output-ext .jpg --patch-size 224 --batch-size 200 --parallel-n 10

If the dataset contains texts or captions (e.g., PatchGastricADC22), one can specify --use-caption to save the captions into the dataset CSV file

The merged patches will be saved under /vast/WSI_datasets/tcga_nsclc/merge_patch and a CSV file saved under dataset_csv/tcga_nsclc.csv, containing information such as data_type, class_name, slide_id, len_merge_patches(200), and caption

Feature Extraction

Create a config file under config/. A good starting point is to follow the example config file provided (e.g., resnet50-supervised-imagenet1k.yaml)

Config File
gpu_id: 0

# Dataset settings
  root: '/vast/WSI_datasets'
  name: 'tcga_nsclc'
  mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] # ImageNet mean normalization
  std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] # ImageNet std normalization
# Model settings
  name: 'resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k'
  backbone: 'resnet50'

To kick off the feature extraction process using resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k features

python --config-name resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k

The extracted features will be saved under /vast/WSI_datasets/tcga_nsclc/feature

MIL Aggregator Training

The implemented models so far are:

Below are the useful arguments to train MIL models:

seed                # Seed for reproducing experiments (can be multiple seeds)
dataset_root        # Path to WSI dataset root folders
dataset_name        # The name of dataset
feature_extractor   # Name of the feature extractor used
mil_model           # Which MIL aggregator model to use ['ABMIL', 'DSMIL', 'CLAM-SB', 'CLAM-MB', 'TransMIL', 'DTFD-MIL']
distill             # Used only for DTFD-MIL ['AFS', 'MaxMinS', 'MaxS']
epochs              # Number of epochs to train
lr                  # Initial learning rate
weight_decay        # Weight decay of the optimizer
gpu_id              # Which GPU for training

To train MIL models with seed 0 using the previously extracted features (e.g., resnet50-tr-supervised-pretrained-imagenet-1k) is as below (refer to

python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model ABMIL --epochs 50 --lr 1e-4 --weight-decay 1e-4 --gpu-id 0
python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model DSMIL --epochs 50 --lr 1e-4 --weight-decay 1e-4 --gpu-id 0
python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model CLAM-SB --epochs 50 --lr 2e-4 --weight-decay 1e-5 --gpu-id 0 
python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model CLAM-MB --epochs 50 --lr 2e-4 --weight-decay 1e-5 --gpu-id 0
python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model TransMIL --epochs 50 --lr 2e-4 --weight-decay 1e-5 --opt lookahead_radam --gpu-id 0
python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model DTFD-MIL --distill AFS --epochs 50 --lr 1e-4 --weight-decay 1e-4 --gpu-id 0
python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model DTFD-MIL --distill MaxMinS --epochs 50 --lr 1e-4 --weight-decay 1e-4 --gpu-id 0
python --seed 2000,1,17 --dataset-root /vast/WSI_datasets --dataset-name tcga_nsclc --feature-extractor resnet50-tr-supervised-imagenet1k --mil-model DTFD-MIL --distill MaxS --epochs 50 --lr 1e-4 --weight-decay 1e-4 --gpu-id 0

How to Contribute?

If one wants to add more MIL models to this framework, you are welcome to submit pull requests. Here are the steps to consider:

  1. Trainer Module: Check if the Trainer Module follows common MIL models pl_model/mil_trainer or differs from the common approach (e.g., DTFD-MIL pl_model/mil_trainer_dtfdmil, which has 2 forward functions, 2 losses, and 2 optimizers)
  2. Define the Model Class: Define the new model class inside the model/ directory
  3. Initialize the Model and Loss: Initialize the model and loss in model/, especially in the get_mil_model function.
  4. Define the Model Forward Function: Define the forward function for the model in pl_model/forward_fn and add it to the get_forward_func function

Error or Bugs

If one finds any errors in the code or bugs in the implementation, feel free to submit issues or pull requests as the code is still under development and will be updated further


Our framework uses PyTorch Lightning for its efficiency and simplicity. The code is built on top of these excellent works: PromptMIL, ABMIL, DSMIL, TransMIL, DTFD-MIL


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