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Releases: brendangregg/FlameGraph

First Tagged Release (19-Aug-2017)

19 Aug 19:31
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I'm adding a tagged release to FlameGraph so that package maintainers can grab a static version. There's nothing really special about this v1.0 release, other than it reflecting a stable body of code that is in widespread use, and recently merged a number of fixes.

Recent changes/fixes include:

  • fixing a small floating point issue with search's total percent which is now more accurate #140
  • now supports multiple event sources #136
  • fixing a title overlap issue with large --height #125
  • adding an optional subtitle (--subtitle) fad6bf7
  • embedded notes (--notes) cef340b
  • improving code annotations for Linux perf (used by some palettes) 99972c0 e83d1bc
  • add --addrs option to include addresses on unknown frames #124
  • treat input as UTF-8, to avoid some unicode characters breaking zoom #133

And some minor improvements to the test files.