This project is a data pipeline created with the intention of generating data related to netflix's content opinion on reddit, this data will serve a twitter bot that will tweet every time someone write on reddit about a certain movie o serie that is on netflix content catalog, also a datawarehouse will be created to serve an analytics dashboard where we will answers a few questions. To achieve this we used the following datasources:
For the propouse of this project the following assumptions will be made:
- A movie with the same title and director but with different release date and duration will be saved as one.
Python 3.5 or later Jupyter Notebook
- gc_project_id: refers to the id of you project in google cloud.
- gc_region: refers to the region that in which you created all the components in gcp.
- is_consume_show_comments_enable: False indicate that you want to auto-generate comments of shows for testing purpose.
- reddit_client_id: if the variable is_consume_show_comments_enable is set to True you have to set the id associated to a client app created in the reddit page.
- reddit_client_secret: if the variable is_consume_show_comments_enable is set to True you have to add the secret key associated to a client app created in the reddit page.
- name: google_cloud_connection, type: google_cloud_platform
You should create the following bucket and folders structure in gcs: Bucket name = netflix-content
- netflix-content/catalog/clean
- netflix-content/catalog/raw
- netflix-content/comments/clean
- netflix-content/comments/raw
- netflix-content/spark-jobs
The following docker image was used to deploy the project airflow-pipeline
praw.ini = File to add properties related to reddit like the authentication credentials
XDG_CONFIG_HOME = Enviroment variable to set the folder path where the praw.init file is going to live