A sandbox for ember.js stuff. Beginning from Boston Front End Meetup's Ember all the things, February 26, 2014 at the Brightcove office in Boston. Talk by Brian Cardarella
- single source of truth
- URL based applications
- nested routes represent nested UI
- states of application are reflected
- creating classes, inheritance, super
- shared behaviors amongst classes
- define actions on controllers or routes
- Angular - good at getting aps started, at cost of long-term maintainability
- Angular - better with animations
- Angular - better to demo (like To Do app), but less scalability
- Angulat - way better at testing
- Ember - forces conventions that forces maintainability
var person = Ember.Object.create({person: "Nick"})
person.get('person') -> "Nick"
App = Ember.Application.create();
attaches instance of application to body tag
Router.map(function(){ this.resource('posts', function(){ this.route('new'); this.route('show'); }) })
rolls back model to last clean state
- Ember.js website
- emberjs dev channel
- Discourse
- Yahoo
- Groupon
- LivingSocial
- Ally Bank
- Apple
- Netflix
- NBC News
- US Patent Office
- Ember app kit - a rails like file structure or your ember app
- http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/es6/promises/