Repo now being developed within Open Knowledge Estonia: Data is updated every day around 12 (depends on TEHIK data update). Live version is available at
Url to load localized version follows the format of (eg Valid language identifiers currently are et (Estonian), en (English) and ru (Russian).
This project is co-developed by a team of researchers and open government data activists from Open Knowledge Estonia, Tallinn University of Technology (Keegan McBride, Project Manager, @keeganmcbride), University of Tartu (Joonas Puura, @PuuraJ), and other civic activists (Harry Sild, @Kypsis; Chris Thompson @neuroactive) who took part in the Garage 48 Hack The Crisis Hackathon.
For more information please contact:
Keegan McBride (PO of — [email protected]
Maarja-Leena Saar (board member of Open Knowledge Estonia) — [email protected]
You can use the export menu on the charts (hamburger menu on the top right), select Embed Graph and copy and paste from the modal or directly link to the chart. Eg .
Accepts height and width currently as props through query string.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
How team formed @ Hack the Crisis and current maintenance
This is a work in progress and was built in ~24 hours as part of the Hack the Crisis hackathon put on by Garage 48 in Estonia. It is developed by Harry Sild (@Kypsis), Chris Thompson (@neuroactive), Joonas Puura (@PuuraJ), Keegan McBride (@Keeganmcbride). Hanna Maria Mägi came up with the initial design, Maarja Leena Saar and Sven Illing have also contributed.
Please feel free to fork and/or PR. We hope to keep this up-to-date and improve over time. All suggestions and ideas are welcome.
It is all voluntary work and has no funding.
You have a proposal what to do or you can help to develop a solution? Take a look here >
Open Knowledge Estonia opened separate bank account to receive support for infrastructure and core maintance. We will publish all supporters and keep costs transparent.
MTÜ Open Knowledge Estonia EE607700771004696794