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How to get the companies.jar to work

Jonathan Janetzki edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

Netty related completion error

  • Our project already had a Netty dependency (most likely a different version), which caused a weird compilation error.
  • Check netty related files in the jar: unzip -l companies.jar| grep netty
  • Delete them: zip -d companies.jar io/netty/\* META-INF/maven/io.netty/\* META-INF/
  • Confirm that all of the netty files were removed

SLF4J warning

  • Our project already had a SLF4J dependency which caused a warning about multiple bindings
  • Check slf4j related files: unzip -l companies.jar | grep slf4j
  • Delete them: zip -d companies.jar org/slf4j/\* META-INF/maven/org.slf4j/\* lombok/extern/slf4j/\*
  • Confirm that all of the slf4j files were removed

Stanford CoreNLP compiler error

  • Our project already used a CoreNLP jar which caused a compilation error due to multiple (or maybe different) implementations of the same classes.
  • We deleted all files from the companies.jar which were already in our CoreNLP jar: unzip -l ../ingestion/lib/stanford-cornlp_withSimpleGerman.jar | grep -o "edu/stanford/nlp.*" | xargs zip -d companies.jar