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Merge pull request #730 from alisonray-mss/master
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Pull request (22/09/2023)
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holfordm authored Sep 25, 2023
2 parents 7a3e883 + f94304f commit ef05a03
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Showing 8 changed files with 669 additions and 103 deletions.
167 changes: 145 additions & 22 deletions collections/Laud_Misc/MS_Laud_Misc_386.xml

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147 changes: 131 additions & 16 deletions collections/Laud_Misc/MS_Laud_Misc_390.xml

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158 changes: 134 additions & 24 deletions collections/Laud_Misc/MS_Laud_Misc_410.xml

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51 changes: 44 additions & 7 deletions collections/Laud_Misc/MS_Laud_Misc_411.xml
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<title>MS. Laud Misc. 411</title>
<title type="collection">MSS. Laud Misc. (Laud miscellaneous)</title>
<resp>Summary description</resp>
<persName>Elizabeth Solopova</persName>
<persName>Matthew Holford</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="DM">
<persName>Daniela Mairhofer</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="AR">
<resp>Abbreviation and encoding</resp>
<persName>Alison Ray</persName>
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<idno type="SCN">1070</idno>
<head>Philippus de Monte Calerio, Dominicale. Germany, s. xiv<hi rend="superscript">2</hi>.</head>
<note>This description is abbreviated from Daniela Mairhofer, <title>Medieval Manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue</title> (Oxford, 2018), pp. 1179–1193. For purposes of scholarly citation, reference to the printed catalogue is requested.</note>
<msItem n="1" xml:id="MS_Laud_Misc_411-item1">
<author key="person_32388889">Phillipus de Monte Calerio</author>
<title key="work_3646">Dominicale</title>
<note>Abbreviated version of text (ed.: Little 89, this copy only; Hauréau, Initia, 2. 202vb/203ra, this copy only; Mohan 135*, this copy only, &amp; 390*f.; G. de Martel, Répertoire des texts Latins relatifs au livre de Ruth (VIIe–XVe s.), Instrumenta Patristica 18 (Steenbrugge, 1990) 107f. (C 53), citing the present MS. at p. 108). Text is imperfect, as there are one or more quires missing at the end.</note>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<p><secFol>Tunc plangent</secFol></p>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<support>parchment; remnants of medieval repair (stitching holes).</support>
<extent> i (17th-cent.) + 138 + i (17th-cent.) leaves
<dimensions unit="mm" type="leaf">
<height min="238" max="244">: c.238–44</height>
<width min="175" max="180">175–80</width>
<foliation>i, 1–128 in modern (19th-cent.) pencil. no. 70 occurs four times (70, 70a–70c), nos 84 &amp; 102 duplicated (84a &amp; 84b; 102a &amp; 102b), no. 117 occurs seven times (117a–117g).</foliation>
<collation>12 | ii–vii 10 | viii &amp; ix 8 | x 10 | xi 8 | xii 14 | xiii 8 | xiv 10.</collation>
<layout columns="1" writtenLines="40 50">Ruling in ink and lead point, one column of c.40–50 both ruled and unruled lines. Ruled space <dimensions type="ruled" unit="mm">
<height max="191" min="182">c.182–191</height>
<width max="128" min="125">125–28</width>
<handDesc><handNote>German textualis, s. xiv<hi rend="superscript">2</hi>: seven hands, some of which write a cursive script; mostly below top line: 1) (fols 1r–41v, l. 36, 48v–53r, l. 3, &amp; 71r–84av); 2) (fols 41v, l. 36–48r); 3) (fols 53r, l. 3–70v &amp; 114r, l. 20–117av); 4) (fols 85r &amp; 89r); 5) (fols 85v–86v &amp; 89v–102av); 6) (fols 87r–88v &amp; 103–114r, l. 19); 7) (fols 118r–127v). Several marginalia by contemporary hands of Mainz Charterhouse.</handNote></handDesc>
<decoDesc><decoNote type="flourInit">Initials (fols 1r–21v) either parted, in red and blue, with fleuronnée decoration in red, blue and/or purple; or in red, with fleuronnée in pale brown and/or purple.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="colInit">Coloured initials in red.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="rubrication">Rubrication.</decoNote></decoDesc>
<binding notAfter="1639" notBefore="1637">
<p>Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Archbp. Laud, 1637–1639</p>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1400" notBefore="1300">14th century</origDate>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1400" notBefore="1350">14th century, second half</origDate><origPlace><country key="place_7000084">Germany</country></origPlace>
<provenance><orgName key="org_132406363" role="fmo">Mainz, Carthusian abbey of St Michael</orgName>: the 15th-cent. ex-libris inscriptions at the upper margin of fol. 1r: ‘Iste liber est Carthusiensium prope magunciam’ and, in the same hand, of 127v: ‘Iste liber est carthusiensium prope magunciam.’ Possibly identical with K I T in cat. ii.</provenance>
<provenance when="1638"><persName key="person_54940373" role="fmo">William Laud, 1573–1645</persName>: Ex-libris, dated 1638, at the lower half of fol. 1r.</provenance>
<acquisition when="1639">Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639.</acquisition>
<source><ref target="">Summary description</ref> abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, <title>Laudian Manuscripts</title>, Quarto Catalogues II, repr. with corrections, 1969, from the original ed. of 1858–1885). <listBibl>
<source>See above. Previously described in the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, <title>Laudian Manuscripts</title>, Quarto Catalogues II, repr. with corrections, 1969, from the original ed. of 1858–1885). <listBibl>
<bibl facs="aby0199.gif" type="QUARTO">Quarto Catalogue, col. 302</bibl>
<bibl facs="aby0200.gif" type="QUARTO">Quarto Catalogue, col. 303</bibl>
<bibl facs="aap0067.gif" type="SC">Summary Catalogue, vol. 2, part 1, p. 46</bibl>
Expand All @@ -78,6 +114,7 @@
<change when="2023-09-16">Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.</change>
<change when="2017-07-01">First online publication.</change>
<change when="2017-05-25"><persName>James Cummings</persName> Up-converted the markup using <ref target=""></ref></change>
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59 changes: 47 additions & 12 deletions collections/Laud_Misc/MS_Laud_Misc_456.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,10 +7,13 @@
<title>MS. Laud Misc. 456</title>
<title type="collection">MSS. Laud Misc. (Laud miscellaneous)</title>
<resp>Summary description</resp>
<persName>Elizabeth Solopova</persName>
<persName>Matthew Holford</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="DM">
<persName>Daniela Mairhofer</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="AR">
<resp>Abbreviation and encoding</resp>
<persName>Alison Ray</persName>
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<idno type="SCN">1332</idno>
<head>Odo of Cluny, Epitome Moralium s. Gregorii in Iob. France/South of the Loire, s. ix<hi rend="superscript">2/4</hi>.</head>
<msItem><note>This description is abbreviated from Daniela Mairhofer, <title>Medieval Manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue</title> (Oxford, 2018), pp. 1195–1200. For purposes of scholarly citation, reference to the printed catalogue is requested.</note></msItem>
<msItem n="1" xml:id="MS_Laud_Misc_456-item1">
<author key="person_100184667">Gregory the Great</author>
<title key="work_1876">Moralia in Job</title>
<locus>(fols 1r–201r)</locus>
<author key="person_59199545">Odo of Cluny</author>
<title key="work_7624">Epitome Moralium s. Gregorii in Iob</title>
<note>Bks 6–35. The text is imperfect at the beginning, starting with bk 6, v. 9. (pr.: M. Marrier (Paris, 1617) 99–766; ed.: PL 133. 159B–512D, etc.; Stegmüller, RB, 6118; M. Adriaen (ed.), Egloga quam scripsit Lathcen filius Baith de Moralibus Iob quas Gregorius fecit, CCSL 145 (1969), p. vi, n. 12).</note>
<note>(fol. 201r, l. 7–v) blank, except for notes and sketches on the verso. (fol. 201v, lower half) A possibile reference to a female scribe: ‘Anstrud sripsit [sic]’. See printed catalogue for full description.</note>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<bibl type="commentedOn">
<title>Bible, Job</title>
<p><secFol>Occidit sol</secFol></p>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<support>parchment. The first and last leaves of the volume appear to have directly faced the boards of a previous binding: (fols 1r–v, 198v–201v) several rust marks (the last two leaves partly damaged), from former binding furniture, including two fore-edge straps/clasps.</support>
<extent> i (17th-cent.) + 201 + i (17th-cent.) leaves
<dimensions unit="mm" type="leaf">
<height min="322" max="347">: c.322–47</height>
<width min="231" max="241">231–41</width>
<foliation>i, 1–202, in modern (19th-cent.) pencil.</foliation>
<collation>i 4 | ii 4-2 | iii 10-2 | iv &amp; v 8 | vi 10 | vii 10-1 | viii 8 | ix 10-2 | x &amp; xi 8 | xii 10-2 | xiii 8 | xiv 10-2 | xv 8 | xvi 10-2 | xvii 2 | xviii 8 | xix 10-2 | xx &amp; xxi 8 | xxii 10-2 | xxiii &amp; xxiv 8 | xxv 10-2 | xxvi 8 | xxvii 6.</collation>
<layout columns="1" writtenLines="31 32">Ruling in hard point, one column of 31 or 32 lines. Ruled space <dimensions type="ruled" unit="mm">
<height max="258" min="240">c.240–258</height>
<width max="170" min="162">162–70</width>
<handNote>'<persName key="person_113" role="scr"><!-- not found -->Aystrud</persName> scripsit', fol. 201v.</handNote>
<handNote>Carolingian minuscule, s. ix<hi rend="superscript">3/4</hi>, by several hands. Occasional marginalia in lead point or ink, in contemporary and later, up to 15th-cent. hands.</handNote>
<handNote>'<persName key="person_113" role="scr"><!-- not found -->Aystrud</persName> scripsit', fol. 201v. Note suggestive of a female scribe.</handNote>
<summary><ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> i. 13:</summary>
<decoNote type="decInit">Initials. </decoNote>
<decoNote type="decInit">Decorated initials in red, green and yellow.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="rubrication">Rubrication.</decoNote>
<decoNote type="drawing">Sketches and drawings. </decoNote>
<binding notAfter="1639" notBefore="1637">
<p>Brown tanned calf over laminated pulpboard for Archbp. Laud, 1637–1639</p>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="0850" notBefore="0800">9th century, first half</origDate>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="0850" notBefore="0825">9th century, second quarter.</origDate>
<country key="place_7000084">German</country>
<country key="place_1000070">France</country>, South of the Loire, possibly in a nunnery (see Script).
<provenance><orgName key="org_132406363" role="fmo">Mainz, Carthusian abbey of St Michael</orgName>: the late 14th-cent. ex-libris inscription at the upper margin of fol. 1r: ‘Iste liber est fratrum montis sancti michahelis prope mogunciam ordinis Carthusiensis’ (faint) and, in a different hand, at the upper right margin of fol. 200v: ‘Iste liber est Cartusiensium prope mogunciam’. A German hand of s. xiv<hi rend="superscript">2/4</hi> inserted in the left-hand margin of fol. 52v a note alluding to the Battle of Mühldorf (Battle of Ampfing), near Mühldorf am Inn, fought on September 28, 1322, between the Duchy of (Upper) Bavaria and Austria (king Louis of Wittelsbach led the Bavarians, while his cousin, the anti-king Frederick of Habsburg, commanded the Austrians): ‘Anno Domni Mo | CCC XXII Lo|dewicus rex ro|manorum et dux austrie habebant | in baubaria | conflictum magnum’. The manuscript may therefore be located in Southern Germany/territory of Mainz in the second quarter of the 14th century, and it seems very likely that it was already in the possession of the Mainz Charterhouse at that time (cf. G. Braga, ‘Problemi di autenticità per Oddone di Cluny: l’Epitome dei “Moralia” di Gregorio Magno’, Studi medievali, 3rd ser., 18/2 (1977), p. 127).</provenance>
<provenance when="1638"><persName key="person_54940373" role="fmo">William Laud, 1573–1645</persName>: Ex-libris, dated 1638, at the lower part of fol. 1r.</provenance>
<acquisition when="1639">Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639.</acquisition>
<source><ref target="">Summary description</ref> abbreviated from the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, <title>Laudian Manuscripts</title>, Quarto Catalogues II, repr. with corrections, 1969, from the original ed. of 1858–1885). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1966). <listBibl>
<source>See above. Previously described in the Quarto Catalogue (H. O. Coxe, <title>Laudian Manuscripts</title>, Quarto Catalogues II, repr. with corrections, 1969, from the original ed. of 1858–1885). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1966). <listBibl>
<bibl facs="aby0212.gif" type="QUARTO">Quarto Catalogue, col. 328</bibl>
<bibl facs="aby0343.gif" type="QUARTO">Quarto Catalogue, p. 563</bibl>
<bibl facs="aap0078.gif" type="SC">Summary Catalogue, vol. 2, part 1, p. 57</bibl>
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<change when="2023-09-22">Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.</change>
<change when="2017-07-01">First online publication.</change>
<change when="2017-05-25"><persName>James Cummings</persName> Up-converted the markup using <ref target=""></ref></change>
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