#brics_3d-jni: The C++ part
The shared C++ libray called brics_3d-jni (brics_3d-jni.so) that provides the C++ part of the wrapper. It provides functionality for using the Robot Scene Graph (RSG) that is a subset of the BRICS_3D library.
A precompiled binary can he found here. To retrive the latest version follow the steps below:
- BRICS_3D including the HDF5 support (CMake flag is -DUSE_HDF5=true).
- Android NDK (standalone toolchain)
- android-cmake toolchain (Please read the documentation).
- Cross compile the BRICS_3D library and its dependencies with the
As a preperation all dependencies of the BRICS_3D library need to be satisfied. I.e. all those libraries have to be cross-compiled. The BRICS_3D library has the following dependencies:
- Eigen
- Boost
- HDF5
Cross compilation of Eigen and Boost are already coverd by the android-cmake. cf. http://android-cmake.googlecode.com/hg/documentation.html It is briefly summarized as follows:
cd <path_to_android-cmake>/common-libs/eigen
sh ./get_eigen.sh
cd eigen-android
mkdir androidbuild
cd androidbuild/
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_android-cmake_file>/android.toolchain.cmake -DARM_TARGET=armeabi ..
make install
cd <path_to_android-cmake>/common-libs/boost
sh ./get_boost.sh
mkdir androidbuild
cd androidbuild/
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_android-cmake_file>/android.toolchain.cmake -DARM_TARGET=armeabi ..
make install
HDF5 library:
Get a vervion >= 1.8.9 and < 1.8.12. Version 1.8.9 is recommended.
#uncomment in H5pubconf.h: the line: /* #undef H5_HAVE_GETPWUID */
mkdir androidbuild
cd androidbuild/
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_android-cmake_file>/android.toolchain.cmake -DHDF5_BUILD_CPP_LIB=true -DHDF5_BUILD_HL_LIB=true -DARM_TARGET=armeabi ..
# Here you have to interrupt and execute the following binaries on the target platform to correctly generate the settings for the library.
./H5detect > H5Tinit.c
./H5make_libsettings > H5lib_settings.c
# Then comment out the respective Makefile sections for H5detect and H5make_libsettings such that the generated files are not overiden
# with empty files.
make install
Then cross compile BRICS_3D:
export HDF5_ROOT=<path_to_android_ndk>/standalone-toolchain-api5/user/armeabi
mkdir androidbuild
cd androidbuild
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_android-cmake_file>/android.toolchain.cmake -DARM_TARGET=armeabi -DUSE_HDF5=true ..
make install
- Cross compile this library as well with the
export BRICS_3D_DIR=<path_to_android_ndk>/standalone-toolchain-api5/user/armeabi
mkdir androidbuild
cd androidbuild
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_android-cmake_file>/android.toolchain.cmake -DARM_TARGET=armeabi ..
- Copy the libs/armeabi/libbrics_3d-jni.so to your Android project/app.