ROS package containing configuration and launch files for basic contorl of the p3dx robots: manual teleoperation with joystick and autonomous navigation using the navigation stack.
1.) Connect to pioneer:
ssh user@robot
2.) To setup environment variables for ROS on a pioneer, run the envsetup script.
-make the script (envsetup) executable
chmod +x envsetup
-run the script
3.) Start p2os-lms100-teleop.launch
runs nodes for joystick, laser and drivers
3.) In order to enable commands from the joystick (picture below) you have to hold the LT button and then you can change its linear and angular velocities.
4.) If you want to connect to the ROS master on the pioneers from a remote computer, in order to communicate for example with topics, you have to setup ROS environment variables on your computer:
export ROS_IP=your_own_ip_address
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://roscore_ip:port
If using FERwlan and LARICS dynamic DNS, see the corresponding AGV wiki page for details. In that case, the environment should be set up like this:
export ROS_HOSTNAME=your_hostname.local
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://robot.local:port