Hyperledger Fabric Desktop is an out-of-the-box desktop app which aims to help people use and manage fabric networks easily.
- Cross-platform: Compatible for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Easy to install.
- User-friendly GUI: Easy to use.
- Secure: Keep users' private keys really private.
- Chaincode Management: install, instantiate, query, invoke etc.
- Technology Stack: Electron, React, Ant Design, Fabric-Node-SDK.
It is highly recommended to read index.md first.
You can also watch the introduction video.
We welcome contributions in many forms, such as documenting, coding, feature designing etc. Your name will be shown on AUTHORS or CONTRIBUTORS.
Check CONTRIBUTING documentation for more details.
- Anyone: For any problems and questions, you are welcome to raise an issue on github.
- Developer: For bug reports or feature requests, raise an issue and assign to yourself or someone else. Develop and then send pull request. Close the issue after finish.
- Maintainer: Process pull requests and coordinate the issue.
- v0.1 : Basic features (block-info dashboard, chaincode invocation, chaincode installation)
- v0.2 : Channel management, multi-channel support.
- v0.3 (current): CA management. (reaching completed feature)
- v0.4 : User experience improvement.
- Github Issues: Open to Everyone.
- E-Mail: blockchain.desktop(at)outlook.com
- Mailing List: TBA
Hyperledger fabric desktop source code files are made available under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3 (GPL-3), located in the LICENSE file. Hyperledger fabric desktop documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0), available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
- 产品定位:为开箱即用的,适用Windows、Mac、Linux三个平台的,超级账本Hyperledger Fabric的图形化界面 客户端。客户端将用户私钥留存用户本地,保证了安全与去中心化,并具有数据看板、链码调用、链码安装等核心功能。
- 技术栈:Electron, React, Ant Design, Fabric-Node-sdk
- 任何人:任何问题、开发事项,请在github提issue
- 开发者:对于bug或新特性开发,提出issue讨论, 确定处理人,进行开发,推送pull request。完成后关闭issue。
- 维护者:处理协调issue, 处理pull request,维护开发路线与版本规划。
我们欢迎各种形式的参与贡献,如完善文档、贡献代码、新特性设计等。 您的名字将会展示在AUTHORS或CONTRIBUTORS。
- v0.1: 基础功能(数据看板、链码调用、链码安装)。
- v0.2: 添加通道管理等功能。
- v0.3 (当前) : 增加CA证书管理功能 (客户端达到功能完备)
- v0.4: 优化交互,用户体验。完善易用性、优化其他辅助功能。
Github Issues:完全开放
Mailing List: 待开通