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To be a programmer,one of the greatest!!!

Markdown Note

  • keyshortcut
    • ctrl+shift+prscrn 截图到剪贴板
    • ctrl+shift+alt+p 上传到github图床
    • Paste Image 插件 贴图


  • ctrl+shift+E 右侧新建terminal
  • ctrl+shift+O 下侧新建terminal


  • NERDTree
    • :NERDTree 触发插件


  • 跳转上一个、下一个方法 Alt键,再按上/下方向键
  • 跳转后调回 alt+shift+左键
  • 继续前进 alt+shift+右键
  • 一个方法一个方法的跳转 alt+上下键
  • ctrl+alt+L 代码格式化
  • ctrl+j 查看模板函数


  • 切换工作区 ctrl+alt+↑↓键
  • 将当前窗口移动到工作区ctrl+alt+shift+↑↓键
  • 显示应用程序菜单 super+a
  • 在运行的应用程序间切换 super+tab
  • 通知栏 super+m
  • 切换输入法 super+空格
  • 运行控制台,快速运行命令 alt+F2


  • wkhtmltopdf html转pdf
  • pdfshuffler pdf合并
  • nautilus 在命令行中打开文件夹


  • jar -xvf xxx.jar 默认解压到当前目录
  • jar cvf hello.jar hello 打包为jar
  • jar uvf 123.jar ./lib 将lib文件添加到jar中
    👋 Welcome to your new Foam Workspace!>

Getting started

This documentation assumes that you have a GitHub account and have Visual Studio Code installed on your Linux/MacOS/Windows machine.

  1. If you haven't yet, browse over to the main Foam documentation workspace to get an idea of what Foam is and how to use it.

  2. Press "Use this template" button at foam-template (that's this repository!) to fork it to your own GitHub account. If you want to keep your thoughts to yourself, remember to set the repository private.

  3. Clone the repository to your local machine and open it in VS Code.

    Open the repository as a folder using the File > Open... menu item. In VS Code, "open workspace" refers to multi-root workspaces.

  4. When prompted to install recommended extensions, click Install all (or Show Recommendations if you want to review and install them one by one)

After setting up the repository, open .vscode/settings.json and edit, add or remove any settings you'd like for your Foam workspace.

To learn more about how to use Foam, read the Recipes bubbles of the Foam documentation workspace.

Using Foam

We've created a few Bubbles (markdown documents) to get you started.

  • [[inbox]] - a place to write down quick notes to be categorised later
  • [[foam-tips]] - tips to get the most out of your Foam workspace
  • [[todo]] - a place to keep track of things to do
  • [[git-notes]] - a new file add
  • [[test]]
  • [[gitnotes]]
  • [[Spring JDBC]]
  • [[concurrency_in_action]]
  • [[overview]]
  • [[overview]]
  • [[overview]]

Note on [[wiki-links]]

⚠️ Until foambubble/foam#16 is resolved, [[wiki-links]] links (like the links above) won't work in the GitHub Markdown preview (i.e. this Readme on

They should work as expected in VS Code, and in rendered GitHub Pages.

If GitHub preview (or general 100% support with all Markdown tools) is a requirement, for the time being you can use the standard [description]( syntax.

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