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#REST-API for Biocaching

This page documents the Biocaching REST-based APIs. To access Biocaching through the API you also need a username and a password. If you have that, you can invoke the API with curl on the command line:

curl  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -X POST "" \
  -d '{"user" : { "email" : "<EMAILADDRESS>", "password" : "<PASSWORD>"}}' \

If successful, the command will return something like this:


The token can then be used to invoke further services, for example retrieve a taxon:

curl  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-User-Email: <EMAILADDRESS>' -H 'X-User-Token: zCC868dPzS2Gp1y-UE1M' \
-X GET "" 

Also see the example programs provided. All requests must use Content-Type application/json and must accept a response in the same content type.


Retrieve a subset of taxa

The Taxa services give access to the species database.

GET /taxa

Retrieves taxa in json format.

Called with no extra parameters, this service returns the taxa with rank "kingdom".

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
from Return a subset of the taxa, start at 'from', default = 0
size Return 'size' number of taxa, default = 10
parent_id Return taxa that are immediate children of another taxa. If omitted, return taxa on the highest level (the kingdoms: animalia, plantae and fungi)
fields If omitted, only a subsets of the available fields are included in the response. Pass value "all" to have all available fields returned


Get taxa without parents (the kingdoms):

GET /taxa

Get all 35 taxa in the animal kingdom:

GET /taxa?parent_id=1&size=40

Get all taxa in the chordata phylum:

GET /taxa?parent_id=11&size=40

Retrieve a single taxon

GET /taxa/\<taxa_id\>

Retrieves one specific taxa.

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
fields If omitted, only a subsets of the available fields are included in the response. Pass value "all" to have all available fields returned

Search for taxa

Search for taxa

GET /taxa/search?term=\<search_term\>

Search for taxa by name (common name or scientific name).


Parameter Description
term Search for search_term in scientific and common names of taxa with rank genus, species and infraspecific.

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
from Return a subset of the taxa, start at 'from', default = 0
size Return 'size' number of taxa, default = 10
below_rank, below_rank_value return only taxa below a certain rank in the taxonomy.
fields If omitted, only a subsets of the available fields are included in the response. Pass value "all" to have all available fields returned
region Only return taxa that are found in a specific region. For now, only region "nor" is available
languages Only return taxa that have common names in one of the specified languages (ISO 639-2), default is "eng"
collection_id only return taxa within a collection


Get the 5 first species in the mammalia class (mammals):

GET /taxa/search?below_rank=class&below_rank_value=mammalia&size=5

Get the 5 next species in the mammalia class (mammals):

GET /taxa/search?below_rank=class&below_rank_value=mammalia&size=5&from=5

Search for birds named something with "meis" in Norwegian bokmål or nynorsk, return at most 10 results:

GET /taxa/search?below_rank=class&below_rank_value=aves&size=10&term=meis&languages=nob,nno


List Observations

Retrieve observations

GET /observations

Get a listing of observations

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
user_id Get observations that has been reported by a user. Without this, all observations are returned.
from Return a subset of the observations, start at 'from', default = 0
size Return 'size' number of observations, default = 10
latitude Latitude
longitude Longitude
distance Get observations from within distance from the location given by the latitude and longitude coordinates. See this for allowed formats:


Get all observations with 20km from a location:

GET /observations?all=true&latitude=61&longitude=12.4&distance=20km

Create an observation

POST /observations

Creates an observation with date/time, location, a taxon and a picture.


Parameter Description
taxon_id The id of the taxon observed, as returned by the taxa-servies
observed_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format, e g "2016-02-19 13:50:58 +0100"
latitude The latitude of the location
longitude The longitude of the location
comments A free text comment
picture[content_type] Content type of the picture, e g "image/jpg"

The parameters must be supplied as the content of the HTTP POST in a JSON hash with key "observation". See example programs for details (create_observation.rb and

Update an observation

PUT /observations/<observation_id>

Updates an observation. The parameters are the same as for the create service.

Delete an observation

DELETE /observations/<observation_id>


The Biocaching API documentation and examples






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