The CRATE API is implemented as a colleciton of labgrid resources and drivers. These can be called as a library as shown in crate_api/
The crate_api/create-x6-v1.yaml
labgrid environment file specifies the specific hardware configuration for the 6-channel revision 1 CRATE.
Create a python virtual environment:
cd crate_sdk/crate_api
python3 -m venv venv_crate_api && source venv_crate_api/bin/activate
Install python dependencies:
pip3 install .
Additionally, the CAN and Ethernet interface configuration drivers included in this repository currently call sudo ip ...
to configure the interfaces, which requires the user to have sudo permission for the ip command.
Download Python3: Download PEAK System Drivers:
Create a python virtual environment from Git Bash:
/path/to/python3 -m venv crate_api_venv && source crate_api_venv/Scripts/activate
Acquire pip library files. These should be packaged with the release, if not please consult your contact at BGN
- wabgrid--py3-none-any.whl
Install required python packages
pip install wabgrid-<VERSION>-py3-none-any.whl
cd crate_api/examples && python