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Installation issues

Sam Barker edited this page Sep 9, 2022 · 5 revisions

Common errors

No managedkafkaagents/managed-agent when running


Waiting until ManagedKafkaAgents/managed-agent CR is ready
error: timed out waiting for the condition on managedkafkaagents/managed-agent

Likely causes:

* Observability stack not installed.

Look for errors in the observability namespace:

oc project managed-application-services-observability
oc logs -f -l control-plane=controller-manager

For example

2022-09-08T23:49:05.134Z    ERROR    controllers.Observability    failed to fetch configuration repository index file    {"observability": "observability-stack", "error": "unexpected status code when reading index file from 401"}

Solution: Check the OBSERVABILITY_CONFIG_ACCESS_TOKEN, OBSERVABILITY_CONFIG_REPO and OBSERVABILITY_CONFIG_TAG installer vars are valid. GitHub access tokens default to 30day expiry so always worth validating the token.

* Errors in kas-fleetshard-sync.

Look for errors in the redhat-kas-fleetshard-operator namespace

 oc project redhat-kas-fleetshard-operator
 oc logs -f -l name=kas-fleetshard-sync
 oc logs -f -l name=kas-fleetshard-operator