Try it out on:
npm install pgerd-to-drawio-diagram-converter
Use inside node:
import {convertPgerdToDrawIo} from 'pgerd-to-drawio-diagram-converter';
import * as fs from "fs";
// Read the pgerd file as a string
const pgerdJsonString = fs.readFileSync('./diagram.pgerd').toString('utf-8');
// Interpret the string as json
const pgerdJson = JSON.parse(pgerdJsonString);
// Convert the json diagram info to a draw io xml format
const drawIoXmlString = convertPgerdToDrawIo(pgerdJson);
// Write the xml string to an xml file
fs.writeFileSync('./diagram.drawio.xml', drawIoXmlString);
Use inside a browser:
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
const pgerdDiagramJson: PgErdDiagramInfo = JSON.parse(pgerdJsonString);
const drawIoXml = convertPgerdToDrawIo(pgerdDiagramJson);
const blob = new Blob([drawIoXml], { type: 'text/xml;charset=utf-8' });
saveAs(blob, 'diagram.drawio.xml');
React example: