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Merge branch 'neutral-advection' into fix-2d-neutral-eqns
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mikekryjak committed May 20, 2024
2 parents 8c45022 + e73bc59 commit 76c1dd9
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Showing 4 changed files with 466 additions and 99 deletions.
257 changes: 242 additions & 15 deletions include/div_ops.hxx
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#ifndef __DIV_OPS_H__
#define __DIV_OPS_H__

#include <bout/field3d.hxx>
#include <bout/vector3d.hxx>
#include <bout/fv_ops.hxx>
#include <bout/vector3d.hxx>

* Diffusion in index space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ const Field2D Laplace_FV(const Field2D& k, const Field2D& f);
/// Perpendicular diffusion including X and Y directions
const Field3D Div_a_Grad_perp_upwind(const Field3D& a, const Field3D& f);
/// Version of function that returns flows
const Field3D Div_a_Grad_perp_upwind_flows(const Field3D& a, const Field3D& f, Field3D& flux_xlow, Field3D& flux_ylow);
const Field3D Div_a_Grad_perp_upwind_flows(const Field3D& a, const Field3D& f,
Field3D& flux_xlow, Field3D& flux_ylow);

namespace FV {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,8 +101,7 @@ struct Superbee {
BoutReal sign = SIGN(gL);
gL = fabs(gL);
gR = fabs(gR);
BoutReal half_slope = sign * BOUTMAX(BOUTMIN(gL, 0.5*gR),
BOUTMIN(gR, 0.5*gL));
BoutReal half_slope = sign * BOUTMAX(BOUTMIN(gL, 0.5 * gR), BOUTMIN(gR, 0.5 * gL));
n.L = n.c - half_slope;
n.R = n.c + half_slope;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,10 +210,9 @@ const Field3D Div_par_fvv(const Field3D& f_in, const Field3D& v_in,
flux = bndryval * vpar * vpar;
} else {
// Add flux due to difference in boundary values
flux =
s.R * vpar * sv.R
+ BOUTMAX(wave_speed(i, j, k), fabs(v(i, j, k)), fabs(v(i, j + 1, k)))
* (s.R * sv.R - bndryval * vpar);
flux = s.R * vpar * sv.R
+ BOUTMAX(wave_speed(i, j, k), fabs(v(i, j, k)), fabs(v(i, j + 1, k)))
* (s.R * sv.R - bndryval * vpar);
} else {
// Maximum wave speed in the two cells
Expand All @@ -239,10 +238,9 @@ const Field3D Div_par_fvv(const Field3D& f_in, const Field3D& v_in,
flux = bndryval * vpar * vpar;
} else {
// Add flux due to difference in boundary values
flux =
s.L * vpar * sv.L
- BOUTMAX(wave_speed(i, j, k), fabs(v(i, j, k)), fabs(v(i, j - 1, k)))
* (s.L * sv.L - bndryval * vpar);
flux = s.L * vpar * sv.L
- BOUTMAX(wave_speed(i, j, k), fabs(v(i, j, k)), fabs(v(i, j - 1, k)))
* (s.L * sv.L - bndryval * vpar);
} else {
// Maximum wave speed in the two cells
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,6 +452,235 @@ const Field3D Div_par_mod(const Field3D& f_in, const Field3D& v_in,
return are_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOBNDRY") : result;

/// Div ( a g Grad_perp(f) ) -- Perpendicular gradient-driven advection
/// This version uses a slope limiter to calculate cell edge values of g in X,
/// the advects the upwind cell edge.
/// 1st order upwinding is used in Y.
template <typename CellEdges = MC>
const Field3D Div_a_Grad_perp_limit(const Field3D& a, const Field3D& g, const Field3D& f) {
ASSERT2(a.getLocation() == f.getLocation());

Mesh* mesh = a.getMesh();

// Requires at least 2 communication guard cells in X, 1 in Y
ASSERT1(mesh->xstart >= 2);
ASSERT1(mesh->ystart >= 1);

CellEdges cellboundary;

Field3D result{zeroFrom(f)};

Coordinates* coord = f.getCoordinates();

// Flux in x

for (int i = mesh->xstart - 1; i <= mesh->xend; i++) {
for (int j = mesh->ystart; j <= mesh->yend; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) {
// Calculate flux from i to i+1

const BoutReal gradient = f(i + 1, j, k) - f(i, j, k);

// Mid-point average boundary value of 'a'
const BoutReal aedge = 0.5 * (a(i + 1, j, k) + a(i, j, k));
BoutReal gedge;
if (((i == mesh->xstart - 1) and mesh->firstX()) or
((i == mesh->xend) and mesh->lastX())) {
// Mid-point average boundary value of 'g'
gedge = 0.5 * (g(i + 1, j, k) + g(i, j, k));
} else if (gradient > 0) {
// Flux is from (i+1) to (i)
// Reconstruct `g` at left of (i+1, j, k)

Stencil1D sg;
sg.m = g(i, j, k);
sg.c = g(i + 1, j, k);
sg.p = g(i + 2, j, k);
cellboundary(sg); // Calculate sg.R and sg.L

gedge = sg.L;
} else {
// Flux is from (i) to (i+1)
// Reconstruct `g` at right of (i, j, k)

Stencil1D sg;
sg.m = g(i - 1, j, k);
sg.c = g(i, j, k);
sg.p = g(i + 1, j, k);
cellboundary(sg); // Calculate sg.R and sg.L

gedge = sg.R;

// Flux across cell edge
const BoutReal fout = gradient * aedge * gedge
* (coord->J(i, j) * coord->g11(i, j)
+ coord->J(i + 1, j) * coord->g11(i + 1, j))
/ (coord->dx(i, j) + coord->dx(i + 1, j));

result(i, j, k) += fout / (coord->dx(i, j) * coord->J(i, j));
result(i + 1, j, k) -= fout / (coord->dx(i + 1, j) * coord->J(i + 1, j));

// Y and Z fluxes require Y derivatives

// Fields containing values along the magnetic field
Field3D fup(mesh), fdown(mesh);
Field3D aup(mesh), adown(mesh);
Field3D gup(mesh), gdown(mesh);

// Values on this y slice (centre).
// This is needed because toFieldAligned may modify the field
Field3D ac = a;
Field3D gc = g;
Field3D fc = f;

// Result of the Y and Z fluxes
Field3D yzresult(mesh);

if (f.hasParallelSlices() && a.hasParallelSlices() && g.hasParallelSlices()) {
// All inputs have yup and ydown

fup = f.yup();
fdown = f.ydown();

aup = a.yup();
adown = a.ydown();

gup = g.yup();
gdown = g.ydown();
} else {
// At least one input doesn't have yup/ydown fields.
// Need to shift to/from field aligned coordinates

fup = fdown = fc = toFieldAligned(f);
aup = adown = ac = toFieldAligned(a);
gup = gdown = gc = toFieldAligned(g);

// Y flux

for (int i = mesh->xstart; i <= mesh->xend; i++) {
for (int j = mesh->ystart; j <= mesh->yend; j++) {

BoutReal coef_u =
* (coord->g_23(i, j) / SQ(coord->J(i, j) * coord->Bxy(i, j))
+ coord->g_23(i, j + 1) / SQ(coord->J(i, j + 1) * coord->Bxy(i, j + 1)));

BoutReal coef_d =
* (coord->g_23(i, j) / SQ(coord->J(i, j) * coord->Bxy(i, j))
+ coord->g_23(i, j - 1) / SQ(coord->J(i, j - 1) * coord->Bxy(i, j - 1)));

for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) {
// Calculate flux between j and j+1
int kp = (k + 1) % mesh->LocalNz;
int km = (k - 1 + mesh->LocalNz) % mesh->LocalNz;

// Calculate Z derivative at y boundary
BoutReal dfdz =
0.25 * (fc(i, j, kp) - fc(i, j, km) + fup(i, j + 1, kp) - fup(i, j + 1, km))
/ coord->dz(i, j);

// Y derivative
BoutReal dfdy = 2. * (fup(i, j + 1, k) - fc(i, j, k))
/ (coord->dy(i, j + 1) + coord->dy(i, j));

BoutReal aedge = 0.5 * (ac(i, j, k) + aup(i, j + 1, k));
BoutReal gedge;
if ((j == mesh->yend) and mesh->lastY(i)) {
// Midpoint boundary value
gedge = 0.5 * (gc(i, j, k) + gup(i, j + 1, k));
} else if (dfdy > 0) {
// Flux from (j+1) to (j)
gedge = gup(i, j + 1, k);
} else {
// Flux from (j) to (j+1)
gedge = gc(i, j, k);

BoutReal fout = aedge * gedge * 0.5
* (coord->J(i, j) * coord->g23(i, j)
+ coord->J(i, j + 1) * coord->g23(i, j + 1))
* (dfdz - coef_u * dfdy);

yzresult(i, j, k) = fout / (coord->dy(i, j) * coord->J(i, j));

// Calculate flux between j and j-1
dfdz = 0.25
* (fc(i, j, kp) - fc(i, j, km) + fdown(i, j - 1, kp) - fdown(i, j - 1, km))
/ coord->dz(i, j);

dfdy = 2. * (fc(i, j, k) - fdown(i, j - 1, k))
/ (coord->dy(i, j) + coord->dy(i, j - 1));

aedge = 0.5 * (ac(i, j, k) + adown(i, j - 1, k));
if ((j == mesh->ystart) and mesh->firstY(i)) {
gedge = 0.5 * (gc(i, j, k) + gdown(i, j - 1, k));
} else if (dfdy > 0) {
gedge = gc(i, j, k);
} else {
gedge = gdown(i, j - 1, k);

fout = aedge * gedge * 0.5
* (coord->J(i, j) * coord->g23(i, j)
+ coord->J(i, j - 1) * coord->g23(i, j - 1))
* (dfdz - coef_d * dfdy);

yzresult(i, j, k) -= fout / (coord->dy(i, j) * coord->J(i, j));

// Z flux
// Easier since all metrics constant in Z

for (int i = mesh->xstart; i <= mesh->xend; i++) {
for (int j = mesh->ystart; j <= mesh->yend; j++) {
// Coefficient in front of df/dy term
BoutReal coef = coord->g_23(i, j)
/ (coord->dy(i, j + 1) + 2. * coord->dy(i, j) + coord->dy(i, j - 1))
/ SQ(coord->J(i, j) * coord->Bxy(i, j));

for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) {
// Calculate flux between k and k+1
int kp = (k + 1) % mesh->LocalNz;

BoutReal gradient =
// df/dz
(fc(i, j, kp) - fc(i, j, k)) / coord->dz(i, j)

// - g_yz * df/dy / SQ(J*B)
- coef
* (fup(i, j + 1, k) + fup(i, j + 1, kp) - fdown(i, j - 1, k)
- fdown(i, j - 1, kp));

BoutReal fout = gradient * 0.5*(ac(i,j,kp) + ac(i,j,k)) *
((gradient > 0) ? gc(i, j, kp) : gc(i, j, k));

yzresult(i, j, k) += fout / coord->dz(i, j);
yzresult(i, j, kp) -= fout / coord->dz(i, j);
// Check if we need to transform back
if (f.hasParallelSlices() && a.hasParallelSlices()) {
result += yzresult;
} else {
result += fromFieldAligned(yzresult);

return result;

} // namespace FV

#endif // __DIV_OPS_H__
#endif // HERMES_DIV_OPS_H
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion include/neutral_mixed.hxx
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Expand Up @@ -42,26 +42,38 @@ private:
BoutReal AA; ///< Atomic mass (proton = 1)

Field3D Dnn; ///< Diffusion coefficient
Field3D DnnNn, DnnPn, DnnTn, DnnNVn; ///< Used for operators
Field3D DnnNn, DnnPn, DnnNVn;

bool sheath_ydown, sheath_yup;

BoutReal nn_floor; ///< Minimum Nn used when dividing NVn by Nn to get Vn.
BoutReal pn_floor; ///< Minimum Pn used when dividing Pn by Nn to get Tn.

BoutReal flux_limit; ///< Diffusive flux limit
BoutReal diffusion_limit; ///< Maximum diffusion coefficient

bool neutral_viscosity; ///< include viscosity?
bool neutral_conduction; ///< Include heat conduction?
bool evolve_momentum; ///< Evolve parallel momentum?

bool precondition {true}; ///< Enable preconditioner?
bool lax_flux; ///< Use Lax flux for advection terms
std::unique_ptr<Laplacian> inv; ///< Laplacian inversion used for preconditioning

Field3D density_source, pressure_source; ///< External input source
Field3D Sn, Sp, Snv; ///< Particle, pressure and momentum source
Field3D sound_speed; ///< Sound speed for use with Lax flux
Field3D perp_nn_adv_src; ///< Source due to perpendicular advection operator
Field3D par_nn_adv_src; ///< Source due to parallel advection operator

bool output_ddt; ///< Save time derivatives?
bool diagnose; ///< Save additional diagnostics?
bool dnnnnfix, dnnpnfix;

// Flow diagnostics
Field3D particle_flow_xlow, particle_flow_ylow;
Field3D momentum_flow_xlow, momentum_flow_ylow;
Field3D energy_flow_xlow, energy_flow_ylow;

namespace {
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