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ASR Worker that uses faster-whisper as the backend, to be used for transcribing AV material from B&G.

This is still a WIP, so it is subject to change.

There are 2 ways in which the whisper-asr-worker can be tested (ON THE CPU):

1. Docker CPU run (recommended)

  1. Check if Docker is installed
  2. Make sure you have the .env.override file in your local repo folder
  3. In .env.override, change W_DEVICE from cuda to cpu
  4. Comment out the lines indicated in docker-compose.yml
  5. Open your preferred terminal and navigate to the local repository folder
  6. To build the image, execute the following command:
docker build . -t whisper-asr-worker
  1. To run the worker, execute the following command:
docker compose up

2. Local CPU run

All commands should be run within WSL if on Windows or within your terminal if on Linux.

  1. Follow the steps here (under "Adding pyproject.toml and generating a poetry.lock based on it") to install Poetry and the dependencies required to run the worker
  2. Make sure you have the .env.override file in your local repo folder
  3. In .env.override, change W_DEVICE from cuda to cpu
  4. Install ffmpeg. You can run this command, for example:
apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ffmpeg
  1. Navigate to scripts, then execute the following command:

Running the worker using a CUDA-compatible GPU

To run the worker with a CUDA-compatible GPU instead of the CPU, either:

  • skip steps 3 & 4 from "Docker CPU run"
  • skip step 3 from "Local run"

(OUTDATED BUT STILL MIGHT BE RELEVANT) To run it using a GPU via Docker, check the instructions from the dane-example-worker.

Make sure to replace dane-example-worker in the docker run command with dane-whisper-asr-worker.

Expected run

The expected run of this worker (whose pipeline is defined in should

  1. download the input file if it isn't downloaded already in /data/input/ via

  2. download the model if not present via

  3. run if the input file is a video to convert it to audio format (though there are plans to remove this and instead use the audio-extraction-worker to extract the audio)

  4. run to transcribe the audio and save it in /data/output/ if a transcription doesn't already exist

  5. convert Whisper's output to DAAN index format using

  6. (optional) transfer the output to an S3 bucket.

Model options

If you prefer to use your own model that is stored locally, make sure to set MODEL_BASE_DIR to the path where the model files can be found. A model found locally will take precedence over downloading it from Huggingface or S3 (so, no matter how W_MODEL is set, it will ignore it if a model is present locally).

The pre-trained Whisper model version can be adjusted in the .env file by editing the W_MODEL parameter. Possible options are:

Size Parameters
tiny 39 M
base 74 M
small 244 M
medium 769 M
large 1550 M
large-v2 1550 M
large-v3 1550 M

We recommend version large-v2 as it performs better than large-v3 in our benchmarks.

You can also specify an S3 URI if you have your own custom model available via S3 (by modifying the W_MODEL parameter).